1. I have grown envious of you, for I
Am a youth, and who but the fortunate envied?
١. لَقَد بِتُّ مَحسوداً عَلَيكَ لِأَنَّني
فَتاكَ وَهَل غَيرُ المُنَعَّمِ يُحسَدُ
2. So tell not the envious of me, exulting;
Thy deed is praised, and thou art extolled.
٢. فَلا تُبلِغِ الحُسّادَ مِنّي شَماتَةً
فَفِعلُكَ مَحمودٌ وَأَنتَ مُحَمَّدُ