
Two leaders from Egypt's greatest men

علمان من أعلام مصر

1. Two leaders from Egypt's greatest men
Time could not wear their glory down

١. عَلَمانِ مِن أَعلامِ مِصـ
ـرَ عَدا الرَدى فَطَواهُما

2. Virtuous and ascetic, they spurned
The passion of youth through their lives

٢. حَسَنٌ وَزُهدي لَم يُمَتـ
ـتَع بِالشَبابِ كِلاهُما

3. They walked the path of truth while
They lived, never swerving from it

٣. سَلَكا سَبيلَ الحَقِّ ما
عاشا وَما أَولاهُما

4. Though the wicked trampled their shield
Beneath darkness, and shot them down

٤. داسَ الأَثيمُ حِماهُما
تَحتَ الدُجى وَدَهاهُما

5. Champions of restraint and nobility
Together when arrows pierced them

٥. فَرَمى النُهى وَالفَضلَ مُجـ
ـتَمِعينَ حينَ رَماهُما

6. If you recall the courage of heroes
Let their memory come first

٦. إِن تَذكُروا هِمَمَ الرِجا
لِ فَقَدِّموا ذِكراهُما

7. If you ask who were martyrs
At the dawn, then they were they

٧. أَو تَسأَلوني عَن شَهيـ
ـدَي مَبدَإٍ فَهُما هُما