
For me, when your youth dawned and shone bright

لي فيك حين بدا سناك وأشرقا

1. For me, when your youth dawned and shone bright
I had a hope I asked God to make right

١. لي فيكَ حينَ بَدا سَناكَ وَأَشرَقا
أَمَلٌ سَأَلتُ اللَهَ أَن يَتَحَقَّقا

2. Dawn on us with good fortune, do not be
Like your ill-starred brother, bleak of plight

٢. أَشرِق عَلَينا بِالسُعودِ وَلا تَكُن
كَأَخيكَ مَشئومَ المَنازِلِ أَخرَقا

3. He who healed souls became their plague
Free them of their ills, be fortunate

٣. قَد كانَ جَرّاحَ النُفوسِ فِداوِها
مِمّا بِها وَكُنِ الطَبيبَ مُوَفَّقا

4. I rejoiced when I glimpsed the light of his brow
And hoped for good when it shone bright

٤. هَلَّلتُ حينَ لَمَحتُ نورَ جَبينِهِ
وَرَجَوتُ فيهِ الخَيرَ حينَ تَأَلَّقا

5. I stirred him with a poem, had it been
Recited to deaf rock, it would weep right

٥. وَهَزَزتُهُ بِقَصيدَةٍ لَو أَنَّها
تُلِيَت عَلى الصَخرِ الأَصَمِّ لَأَغدَقا

6. But he turned away, intent on his ill-luck
And persisted in misfortune and sunk tight

٦. فَنَأى بِجانِبِهِ وَخَصَّ بِنَحسِهِ
مِصراً وَأَسرَفَ في النُحوسِ وَأَغرَقا

7. Had I known what he hid for us
I'd have prayed fervently for him wiped outright

٧. لَو كُنتُ أَعلَمُ ما يُخَبِّئُهُ لَنا
لَسَأَلتُ رَبّي ضارِعاً أَن يُمحَقا

8. He did the non-Arabs a noted favor
And restored the Turks their former might

٨. أَولى الأَعاجِمَ مِنَّةً مَذكورَةً
وَأَعادَ لِلأَتراكِ ذاكَ الرَونَقا

9. Affairs changed for him because of Persia
Till I saw the Shah fear his troops in flight

٩. وَتَغَيَّرَت فيهِ الخُطوبُ بِفارِسٍ
حَتّى رَأَيتُ الشاهَ يَخشى البَيدَقا

10. And he handed over from Abdul Hamid to his people
So desires returned and he failed outright

١٠. وَأَدالَ مِن عَبدِ الحَميدِ لِشَعبِهِ
فَهَوى وَحاوَلَ أَن يَعودَ فَأَخفَقا

11. He cares not, keeping watch o'er his troops
As elephants care not for ants in sight

١١. أَمسى يُبالي حارِساً مِن جُندِهِ
وَلَقَد يَكونُ وَما يُبالي الفَيلَقا

12. And he cast his crime upon Kinana's land
With calamities till it was weighted tight

١٢. وَرَمى عَلى أَرضِ الكِنانَةِ جِرمَهُ
بِالنازِلاتِ السودِ حَتّى أَرهَقا

13. His sickles reaped our hopes' harvest
If spared, it would have flourished upright

١٣. حَصَدَت مَناجِلُهُ غِراسَ رَجائِنا
وَلَو أَنَّها أَبقَت عَلَيهِ لَأَورَقا

14. The press was bound forcibly by him
And desire roamed freely unleashed outright

١٤. فَتَقَيَّدَت فيهِ الصِحافَةُ عَنوَةً
وَمَشى الهَوى بَينَ الرَعِيَّةِ مُطلَقا

15. And he came to bargain the Canal, deceitful
If done, it would have split us outright

١٥. وَأَتى يُساوِمُ في القَناةِ خَديعَةً
وَلَوَ اِنَّها تَمَّت لَتَمَّ بِها الشَقا

16. The calamity - that Egypt be sold and bought
And all in it, yet cannot speak upright

١٦. إِنَّ البَلِيَّةَ أَن تُباعَ وَتُشتَرى
مِصرٌ وَما فيها وَأَلّا تَنطِقا

17. The papers once consoled us for our pains
When adversities came heavily outright

١٧. كانَت تُواسينا عَلى آلامِنا
صُحُفٌ إِذا نَزَلَ البَلاءُ وَأَطبَقا

18. If I called and the tears refused to flow
They wept for us, sad till they burst outright

١٨. فَإِذا دَعَوتُ الدَمعَ فَاِستَعصى بَكَت
عَنّا أَسىً حَتّى تَغَصَّ وَتَشرَقا

19. In days of woes, they were arrows for us
To shoot, and racers on day of fight

١٩. كانَت لَنا يَومَ الشَدائِدِ أَسهُماً
نَرمي بِها وَسَوابِقاً يَومَ اللِقا

20. They were a valve for souls when laden
With cares, and nearly choked outright

٢٠. كانَت صِماماً لِلنُفوسِ إِذا غَلَت
فيها الهُمومُ وَأَوشَكَت أَن تَزهَقا

21. How they eased many a freeman's breast
If not for the valve, they would tear outright

٢١. كَم نَفَّسَت عَن صَدرِ حُرٍّ واجِدٍ
لَولا الصِمامُ مِنَ الأَسى لَتَمَزَّقا

22. Why do I mourn the press, despairing so
What has befallen it, besieging outright?

٢٢. ما لي أَنوحُ عَلى الصِحافَةِ جازِعاً
ماذا أَلَمَّ بِها وَماذا أَحدَقا

23. They cut its margins, thinking they
Escaped its thunderbolts, but were struck outright

٢٣. قَصّوا حَواشِيَها وَظَنّوا أَنَّهُم
أَمِنوا صَواعِقَها فَكانَت أَصعَقا

24. And they brought their cunning one to plot against it
To weaken its resolve, but it was too bright

٢٤. وَأَتَوا بِحاذِقِهِم يَكيدُ لَها بِما
يَثني عَزائِمَها فَكانَت أَحذَقا

25. Hello country's growth, welcome - you
Renewed the pact which had come undone outright

٢٥. أَهلاً بِنابِتَةِ البِلادِ وَمَرحَباً
جَدَّدتُمُ العَهدَ الَّذي قَد أَخلَقا

26. Despair not to regain your glory
For many a fallen soul rose in flight

٢٦. لا تَيأَسوا أَن تَستَرِدّوا مَجدَكُم
فَلَرُبَّ مَغلوبٍ هَوى ثُمَّ اِرتَقى

27. Hopes from their heavens cast for him
The thread of hope to heights he climbed outright

٢٧. مَدَّت لَهُ الآمالُ مِن أَفلاكِها
خَيطَ الرَجاءِ إِلى العُلا فَتَسَلَّقا

28. So take on every mighty hardship for glory
I've seen glory is hard to gain upright

٢٨. فَتَجَشَّموا لِلمَجدِ كُلَّ عَظيمَةٍ
إِنّي رَأَيتُ المَجدَ صَعبَ المُرتَقى

29. Who wished to reach the sun, wove its threads
A cause to his hopes, and climbed outright

٢٩. مَن رامَ وَصلَ الشَمسِ حاكَ خُيوطَها
سَبَباً إِلى آمالِهِ وَتَعَلَّقا

30. Shame on Nile's son, the world's pace-maker
However much his fate revolved outright

٣٠. عارٌ عَلى اِبنِ النيلِ سَبّاقِ الوَرى
مَهما تَقَلَّبَ دَهرُهُ أَن يُسبَقا

31. Or whenever they said, their unity fell apart
Discord played with our unity, so they split outright

٣١. أَوَ كُلَّما قالوا تَجَمَّعَ شَملُهُم
لَعِبَ الشِقاقُ بِجَمعِنا فَتَفَرَّقا

32. So flow copiously, and contain your Nile
For how often did it overflow and burst outright?

٣٢. فَتَدَفَّقوا حُجَجاً وَحوطوا نيلَكُم
فَلَكَم أَفاضَ عَلَيكُمُ وَتَدَفَّقا

33. They blamed the times and its turns against us
Primping as they robbed us outright

٣٣. حَمَلوا عَلَينا بِالزَمانِ وَصَرفِهِ
فَتَأَنَّقوا في سَلبِنا وَتَأَنَّقا

34. They shook its West, so their might shook
Woe to you if you don't shake the East outright

٣٤. هَزّوا مَغارِبَها فَهابَت بَأسَهُم
يا وَيلَكُم إِن لَم تَهُزّوا المَشرِقا

35. So learn, for knowledge is key to sublime
Leaving no gate to fortune shut outright

٣٥. فَتَعَلَّموا فَالعِلمُ مِفتاحُ العُلا
لَم يُبقِ باباً لِلسَعادَةِ مُغلَقا

36. Then derive from it your every power
For the strong are feared in every land outright

٣٦. ثُمَّ اِستَمَدّوا مِنهُ كُلَّ قِواكُمُ
إِنَّ القَوِيَّ بِكُلِّ أَرضٍ يُتَّقى

37. And build a wall of vigil 'round your basin
And mark with caution a trench outright

٣٧. وَاِبنوا حَوالَي حَوضِكُم مِن يَقظَةٍ
سوراً وَخُطّوا مِن حِذارٍ خَندَقا

38. Weigh words and make them straight, for they
Hid in every letter for you a slippery slide outright

٣٨. وَزِنوا الكَلامَ وَسَدِّدوهُ فَإِنَّهُم
خَبَؤوا لَكُم في كُلِّ حَرفٍ مَزلَقا

39. And walk cautiously, for your path
Is rugged, rimmed by death hovering outright

٣٩. وَاِمشوا عَلى حَذَرٍ فَإِنَّ طَريقَكُم
وَعرٌ أَطافَ بِهِ الهَلاكُ وَحَلَّقا

40. They set traps for you in it and lay in wait
In every steep place an ambush outright

٤٠. نَصَبوا لَكُم فيهِ الفِخاخَ وَأَرصَدوا
لِلسالِكينَ بِكُلِّ فَجٍّ مَوبِقا

41. Death in its swooping and talons
And death - all death - if you do not take flight

٤١. المَوتُ في غِشيانِهِ وَطُروقِهِ
وَالمَوتُ كُلُّ المَوتِ أَلّا يُطرَقا

42. So seize life's opportunities, many
And hasten them with resolves and ascents outright

٤٢. فَتَحَيَّنوا فُرَصَ الحَياةِ كَثيرَةً
وَتَعَجَّلوها بِالعَزائِمِ وَالرُقى

43. Or create them, able, for life's chances
Are a creation, meant to be created outright

٤٣. أَو فَاِخلُقوها قادِرينَ فَإِنَّما
فُرَصُ الحَياةِ خَليقَةٌ أَن تُخلَقا

44. And take the shade of the throne, and aim
For a king of his nation, so kind and gentle outright

٤٤. وَتَفَيَّئوا ظِلَّ الأَريكَةِ وَاِقصِدوا
مَلِكاً بِأُمَّتِهِ أَبَرَّ وَأَرفَقا

45. The crown of kingship still sits on his brow
Under the crescent, adorning that head outright

٤٥. لا زالَ تاجُ المُلكِ فَوقَ جَبينِهِ
تَحتَ الهِلالِ يَزينُ ذاكَ المَفرِقا