
He sleeps with a belly full of his friend's flesh

يبيت بطينا من لحوم صديقه

1. He sleeps with a belly full of his friend's flesh
Wearing a shirt of piety and seeking praise

١. يبيت بطيناً من لحوم صديقه
خميصاً من التقوى ومن طلب الحمد

2. He sleeps when the night spreads its darkness
And goes about his business with a panther's sleep

٢. ينام إذا ما الليل جنَ ظلامُه
ويسري إلى حاجاته نومة الفهد

3. He keeps watch over the virgins of his people whenever night falls
For him the night and its darkness are like a lion in ambush

٣. يراعي عذارى قومه كلما دجا
له الليل والسوآت كالأسد الوردِ

4. Bold in consuming and doing what is unlawful
But cowardly when facing his peers, tucked inside his coat

٤. جريئاً على أكل الحرامِ وفعله
جباناً عن الأقران معترمِ الكردِ