
Gone from me are worries and sorrows, and that

أذهب عني الغم والهم والذي

1. Gone from me are worries and sorrows, and that
Which drives events with the drinking of my wine

١. أذهبَ عني الغمّ والهمّ والذي
به تطرَد الأحداث شرب المروّق

2. By God, I have not ceased being intoxicated by comfort
Even if the heat scorches every successful one

٢. فواللَه ما انفكّ بالراح مهتَراً
ولو لام فيها كلّ حرٍّ موفّقِ

3. So do not blame me for this, even if you mean well
You know more than I about aged wine

٣. فما لائمي فيها وإن كان ناصحاً
بأعلم مني بالرحيق المعَتّقِ

4. But my heart is obsessed with love of it
The love of wine is the view of every fool

٤. ولكنّ قلبي مستهامٌ بحبها
وحُبُّ القيان رأي كلّ محَمّقِ

5. I love what I cannot help but love all my life
That is an amazing deed, perplexing every critic

٥. أحبّ التي لا أملك الدهر بغضها
وذلك فعلٌ معجبٌ كلّ أخرَقِ

6. I will drink it pure and make my friends drink
And seek the coquetry of the articulate gazelle

٦. سأشرَبُها صرفاً وأسقي صحابتي
واطلب غرّاتِ الغزال المنَطّقِ