1. I was once granted rule, but I returned it,
Leaving the treasury intact, taking nothing for myself.
١. ولقد وليت إمارةً فرجَعتُها
في المال سالمةً ولم أتموّلِ
2. I offered advice though none would take it,
And gave counsel though none wished to accept.
٢. ولقد منَعت النصح من متقبلٍ
ولقد رفدت النصح من لم يقبل
3. By what sly touch did I ever take what wasn't mine?
By what crooked ways did I seek to gain?
٣. فبأيّ لمسةِ لامسٍ لم التَمِس
وبأيّ حيلةِ حائلٍ لم أحتل
4. O seeker of needs, hoping they'll be met-
Success comes not to the hasty and rushed.
٤. يا طالب الحاجات يرجو نجحَها
ليس النجاح مع الأخفّ الأعجل
5. Speak truthfully and you will be called truthful;
Swear falsely and you will be known a liar.
٥. فاصدق إذا حدّثتَ تكتب صادقاً
وإذا حلفت ممارياً فتحلّل
6. When you see climbers rising high,
Though their hands be dust, make haste away.
٦. وإذا رأيت الباهشين إلى العلا
غُبراً كفُّهُم برَيث فاعجل
7. Beware places of evil- do not stay there.
If a house brings you ill, turn and go.
٧. واحذر مكان السوء لا تحلل به
وإذا نبا بك منزلٌ فتحَوَّلِ
8. If your cousin comes to you in great need,
Consider his state and do not rush to judge.
٨. وإذا ابن عمك لجّ بعض لجاجةٍ
فانظر به عدة ولا تستعجل
9. If you become impoverished, do not beg cringingly,
Seeking favors from those who give grudgingly.
٩. وإذا افتقرت فلا تكن متَخَشِّعاً
ترجو الفواضلَ عند غير المفضلِ
10. Be content with the wealth your Lord has given you through bounty,
And if you are lacking, then endure it with grace.
١٠. واستغنِ ما اغناك ربّك بالغنى
وإذا تكون خصاصةٌ فتجمل