
A glance that wounds me

ريم يجرحني بطرفه

1. A glance that wounds me
And melts my insides with its shell

١. ريمٌ يَجرّحني بِطَرفهِ
وَيُذيب أَحشايَ بِصَدفِهِ

2. I conceal his love, denying it
While tears expose me with their downpour

٢. أَخفي هَواهُ جاحِداً
وَالدَمع يَفضَحَني بِوَكفه

3. Oh for the sufferer, what can be said
Of one afflicted with love to the extent of shunning a thousand others

٣. وَيح المُتَيم ما يُقا
سي في الهَوى مِن صَد أَلفِهِ

4. I exhaust my tricks in love
As I exhaust my deepest thoughts trying to describe him

٤. أَعيا الهَوى حيلي كَما
أَعيا الخَواطر كَنهُ وَصفه

5. I was raised on the gentleness of forgetfulness
Due to the extreme softness and kindness

٥. أَربى عَلى لُطف النَسي
م بِفَرط رقتهِ وَلُطفه

6. And I imagine the wishes
His mouth intoxicated me without a sip

٦. وَلَقد تُخيّلُ لي المُنى
فَمهُ فأَسكر دُونَ رَشفِهِ

7. Leading the hearts of all
With his eternal beauty and charm

٧. يَقتادُ أَفئدة الوَرى
بِجَمالِهِ أَبَداً وَظَرفه

8. Oh my heart, how hard
Despite the softness of his affection

٨. يا وَيح قَلبي مِن قَسا
وة قَلبِهِ مَع لين عَطفِهِ

9. And I say to him when
Our palms touched palm to palm

٩. وَلَقَد أَقول لَهُ وَقَد
قَرن اللُقا كَفي بِكَفِهِ

10. My master, your loyalty to your promises
Was true loyalty indeed

١٠. مَولايَ قَد وَفاك مَض
ناك الوَفا حَقّاً فَوفَّه

11. Can you swear to me by a kiss
And a return of cheek or the scent of his temple

١١. أَمنن عَلَيَّ بِلَثم وَر
د الخَد أَو فبشم عَرفه

12. He answered me with words
That matched the magic of his glance

١٢. فَأَجابَني مِنهُ بِأَل
فاظ تَماثل سحر طَرفِهِ

13. I fear you will wilt it
With the breaths of youth when plucking it

١٣. أَخشاك تَذبلُهُ بِأَن
فاس الصَبابة عِندَ قَطفِهِ