
Let not his handsome image deceive you

لا يخدعنك جمال صوره

1. Let not his handsome image deceive you
Unless his good conduct embellishes it

١. لا يَخدَعَنَكَ جَمال صوره
ما لَم يَزَنها حسن سيرَهُ

2. Be not pleased with affection
That appears when adversity tests

٢. لا تَرضَ بِالود الَّذي
تَبدو إِذا اِمتَحَن الكَدوره

3. Who would be pleased to be ignored
How could you be pleased to visit him

٣. مَن كانَ يَرضى أَن تَغيب
فَكَيفَ تَرضى أَن تَزوره

4. How much was I deceived by the welcome until
Testing revealed his fraud

٤. كَم غَرَني التَرحيب حَتّى
أَظهَر التَجريب زورَه

5. So I refrained when I did not find
One who stays on course

٥. فَكففت لَما لَم أَجد
مِن يَستقيم عَلى وَتيره

6. And whenever a disturbing idea frowned at me
I dismissed its illusion

٦. وَمَتّى تَجهم لي خَطير
ذدت مِن وَهمي خُطورَه

7. And the traveler parts from the one
Of averted glance or encounters his disdain

٧. وَمُسافر عَن ذي العُبو
س الطَرف أَو يَلقى سفوره

8. His face clears and glows meeting one
When separators are removed

٨. يَصفو وَيونق وَجه مَن
تَلقى إِذا صَفت السَريرَه

9. Man has nothing like contentment and trust
As provision

٩. ما لِابن آدم كَالقَنا
عة وَالتَوَكُل مِن ذَخيره

10. And the hand of greed cannot be healed
Except by the palm of necessity

١٠. وَيد المَطامع لا يُصا
فحها سِوى كَف الضَروره

11. And the heart is impregnable, praise
God, from it forming any conception

١١. وَالقَلب مُمتنع بِحَمد
اللَهِ مِنها أَن تصوره

12. This is a time, I fear
The pigeons may forget their cooing in it

١٢. هَذا زَمان خَيف أَن
يَنسى الحَمام بِهِ هَديره

13. Hearts have changed, to the point that
Its gazelle in it almost abandoned it

١٣. قَلب الطِباع فَكادَ يُترك
ظَبيهُ فيهِ نُفوره

14. Therefore, individuation has become
Considered a serious flaw

١٤. فَلِذاكَ أَضحى الإِنفِرا
د يَعد منقبة خَطيره

15. And so I was satisfied with a gazelle
Worthy of my love

١٥. وَلِذا قَنعت بِظبية
بِالحُب مِن مثلي جَديره

16. Fearing the contention of fate
Has made it my captive

١٦. وَحشية شرك القَضا
ء أَصارها عِندي أَسيرَه

17. So it is not disgraced in my hand
Nor lowly

١٧. فَغَدَت وَما هِي بِالمُهينة
في يَديَّ وَلا الحَقيره

18. It refuses to be seduced by the magic
Of the eye if it winks at it

١٨. تَأَبى بِإِن يَستام سحر
العَين مِنها إِن تَعيره

19. Leave this and take some salt that
Repels the vanguards of the changing worries

١٩. دَع ذا وَخُذ ملحاً تر
دّ طَلائع الهَم المُغيره

20. And listen to the elegy of Hurayra
Who used to be my captive

٢٠. وَاِسمَع رِثاءِ هُريرة
كانَت تَرى عِندي أَسيرَهَ

21. The dove stole her life
And took the joy from my heart

٢١. خلس الحَمام حَياتها
وَاِبتَزَ مِن قَلبي سُروره

22. She delighted viewers
With good morals and beauty

٢٢. كانَت تَروق الناظِرين
بِحُسن أَخلاق وَصوره

23. She was to my soul when
She was lost an eternal companion

٢٣. كانَت لِنَفسي أَن فَقَد
ت مَسامراً أَبَداً سَميره

24. Until dawn emerged
Or a bird uttered its whistle

٢٤. حَتّى إِذا الفَجر اِنجَلى
أَو طائر أَبدى صَفيره

25. She would stand, dragging
Behind her a tail that sways but not the braid

٢٥. قامَت تَجر وَارءَها
ذَنباً يَنوس وَلا الضَفيره

26. Black, she returned haughtily
Like a monk reciting his prayers

٢٦. سَوداء رَجعت الهَرير
كَراهب يَتلو زبوره

27. She loved to sit on carpets
Or on a thick mattress

٢٧. تَهوى الجُلوس عَلى النَما
رق أَو عَلى الفَرش الوَثيره

28. I remember regretting her
My eye was moist for her

٢٨. إِني لانعت مُقلة
كانَت بِها عَيني قَريره

29. Yellow, she thought she
Would green during the afternoon

٢٩. صَفراء تَحسب أَنَّها
تَخضرّ في وَقت الظَهيره

30. Her body was a grain
Of sorghum in the shape of barley

٣٠. إِنسانَها مِن حبة
الشونيز في شَكل الشَعيره

31. Sometimes she would elongate and sometimes
She would appear round to your eye

٣١. طَوراً تَطول وتارة
تَبدو لِعَينك مُستَديره

32. Veiling affection was her evil
And her nature remained apparent

٣٢. ستر التَوَدد شَرَها
وَطِباعَها تَبقي ظُهوره

33. And flattering light
Its limits are well known

٣٣. وَتَملق النور
مَعروف وَحدتهُ شَهيره

34. And if she was angry or
Her soul raged, bitter

٣٤. وَلَها إِذا أغضبتها
أَو هَجتها نَفسٌ مَريرة

35. She would depict an enraged lion if she roared
An image save for a growl

٣٥. تَحكي الهَزبر إِذا أَزبأرّت
صورة إِلّا زَئيرَه

36. She was like glowing embers
If the colors of her calm embraced lukewarmness

٣٦. كانَت كَجَمر مَضرم
إِن عانق أَلواني فُتوره

37. She was to the rat army
A poisoned killer

٣٧. كانَت لِجَيش الفَأر صا
عقة مَسوَّمة مبيره

38. How many books has she torn
Its lines with her claws

٣٨. كَم مِن كِتاب قَد قَرضنَ
مِن القَريض بِهِ سُطوره

39. She became proficient at
Destroying them

٣٩. فَغَدَت مسلطة عَلى
أَتلافهنَّ بِهِ خَبيره

40. She tempted them like thieves do
With lame money of a wailing old woman

٤٠. أَغرى بِهنَّ مِن اللُصو
ص بِمال مَقعدة ضَريره

41. So when they disappeared, it would have been better for them
If they had known the good in them

٤١. فَإِذا اِختَفينَ وَفي الرَحيل
لَهُنَّ لَو يَعلَمنَ خَيره

42. She ambushed them with perfect planning
And was stubborn to any insight

٤٢. كَمنت لَهُنَّ كَمون صلٍّ
وَاِستَماتَت عَن بَصيره

43. So strange is the death of the dead
And stranger is the barrenness of the barren

٤٣. فَاعجب لِمَوتة مَيت
وَأعجب لِعاقرة عَقيره

44. How many mice she menaced and
Destiny uncovered their secrets

٤٤. كَم فارة هَمزت وَقَد
كَشَفَ القَضا عَنها سُتوره

45. How many rocks she besieged
But saw they betray no conscience

٤٥. كَم حَجَر فار حاصَرَت
فَرَأَتهُ لا يُبدي ضَميره

46. She almost hunted the squirrel
With a simple leap

٤٦. كادَت تَصيد الفَرقدي
ن بِوَثبة مِنها يَسيرَه

47. So she learned its moves
Like the flashing lightning

٤٧. فَتَعلمت حَركاتها
شعل البُروق المُستَطيرَه

48. She took pride in that she would be honored
Even if the tomb embraced her

٤٨. نالَ الرَدى مِنها وَكا
نَت مِنهُ قَد أَخَذَت طُفورَه

49. If adversity touched her
I wouldn't sell her for any price

٤٩. أَعزز عَليَّ بِأَن تُصا
ب وَإِن أَضمتها الحَفيره

50. She was too precious for the one
Who sought her and summoned his friends

٥٠. لَو سامَها مني الرَدى
ما بِعتَها بِحَراج كوره

51. And the birds felt at ease in
Her nooks, even the eagles

٥١. قَد غالَها ما غالَ ذو ال
أَوتاد وَاِستَقصى نَفيره

52. So let those who are vain take heed
And not ride their pride

٥٢. وَأَراحَ مِنها الطَير في
وَكنانها حَتّى الصُقورَه

53. Their sorrow will intensify tomorrow
Even though its duration is short

٥٣. فَليَعتَبر مَن كانَ ذا
بَغي وَلا يَركَب غُرورَه

٥٤. سَتَطول حَسرَتَهُ غَداً
مَع إِنَّ مُدَتهُ يَسيرَه