
With trust in my integrity and knowledge

على ثقة باتلافي وعلم

1. With trust in my integrity and knowledge
I love you by my choice, not by force

١. عَلى ثِقَة بِاتلافي وَعلم
أحبك بِاختياري لا بِرَغمي

2. Who tortures and reaps from my soul
Without crime from me or guilt

٢. بِنَفسي مَن يُعذِبُها وَيَجني
بِغَير جِناية مني وَجُرم

3. And who visited me without a promise
That was not even a figment of my imagination

٣. وَبي مَن زارَني مِن غَير وَعد
وَلَم يَك ذاكَ يَخطر لي بِوَهم

4. He grieved after he had been aloof
When I met with sorrow and worry

٤. رَثى مِن بَعد ما قَد كانَ يَجفو
لَما لاقَيت مِن كَمَدٍ وَغَم

5. So the young man came to give good news
Like the crescent moon rising after a star

٥. فَزارَ الصَب يُقدمهُ بَشير
كَما طَلَعَ الهِلال عَقيب نجم

6. And he had worn black and came rushing
As the full moon split through the darkness

٦. وَقَد لَبس السَواد وَجاءَ يَسعى
كَما شَقَ الحَنادس بَدر تَم

7. So he swore sincerely by Him who tested me
And who made grief and illness my destiny

٧. فَأَقسم صادِقاً بِمَن اِبتَلاني
وَمَن جَعَلَ الضَنا وَالسَقم قَسمي

8. Passion has mingled soul with soul
And meeting has not joined body with body

٨. لَقَد مَزج الهَوى روحاً بِروح
وَما قرن اللُقا جِسماً بِجسم

9. And how could it when passion has melted my body
And sickness has consumed my blood and flesh

٩. وَكَيفَ وَقَد أَذابَ الحُب جِسمي
وَقَد أَفنى السقام دَمي وَلَحمي

10. So there is nothing left but a gentle soul
And tears pouring like the rain of the grieved

١٠. فَلا شَيءٌ سِوى نَفسٍ خَفيٍ
وَدَمع كَإِنهِمال المُزن يَهمي