
The lightning of Hendes did flash and gleam,

قد رق برق الحندس

1. The lightning of Hendes did flash and gleam,
Why then are the wine cups still unseen?

١. قَد رَقَ بَرق الحندسِ
فَعَلامَ حَبس الأَكؤُسِ

2. No respite for the slain of heart and soul,
From life's sweet draught their thirst is never clean.

٢. ما صَبر مَقتول اللَوا
حظ عَن حَياة الأَنفُس

3. Can sorrow be quenched save by the cup,
The boon companion and the goblet keen?

٣. هَل لِلهُموم سِوى المَدا
مة وَالنَديم الأَكيس

4. In the garden he wove, the vines entwine,
With leaves of emerald and branches lean.

٤. في رَوضة حاكَ الرَبي
ع لَها وَشائع سُندس

5. The breeze rustles softly through each bough,
Before the dawn has time to breathe unseen.

٥. وَمُهفهف يَسعى بِها
وَالصُبح لَم يَتَنَفس

6. It waters the saplings throughout the dark,
While the minds of the wise begin to wean,

٦. يَسقي الطَلا وَيَظَل من
عَقل النَدامى يَحتَسي

7. A moon no doubt, but it sailed apace,
Into the sky's dark shrouds of gray and green.

٧. بَدرٌ وَلَكن حَلَّ في
فُلك القِباء الأَطلَس

8. He fears for his blooms from prying eyes,
And the narcissus is almost demeaned.

٨. يَخشى عَلى وَجناتِهِ
مِن نَظرة المُتفرس

9. A mere glance can shake his entire being,
Though untouched by a brush it had not seen.

٩. وَتَكاد تُدمى رقة
مِن لَحظ طَرف النَرجس

10. With a mere covetous look he yearns,
Concealing his secret hopes obscene.

١٠. لَمح العُيون يَهز قا
متهُ وَإِن لَم تَمسس

11. Who sold his soul for a glimpse undeserved,
That no appraisal could rightly preen.

١١. يَرنو بِلَحظ مطمع
يَخفي وَحي مُوئيس

12. O you who forgot your fervent lover,
And the message of doves that flew between.

١٢. مَن باعَهُ طَيب الحَيا
ة بِنَظرة لَم يَبخَس

13. Naught have I left but the thoughts of you,
Since you bereft me of one serene.

١٣. يا مَن تَناسى مُدنِفاً
وَرَد الحَمام وَما نَسي

14. In clothes of disgrace you enveloped me,
Though once did I don garb most pristine.

١٤. مالي سِوى ذِكراكَ مُنذ
أَضعتَني مِن مُؤنِسي

15. My tears you made crimson that courses still,
Down cheeks once full now hollow and lean.

١٥. أَلبَستَني حِلل السِقا
م وَهنَّ أَفخَر مَلبَس

16. So miserly you became I faded from,
The sights of those seated on cushioned green.

١٦. وَأَحلت دَمعي أَحمَراً
يَجري عَلى متورس

17. As if I were only stray notions,
In a suspicious and restless mien.

١٧. فَضنيت حَتّى غبت عَن
أَبصار أَهل المَجلس

18. How much you torment me, your grace,
Though blameless I have always been.

١٨. فَكَأَنَّني خَطرات شَك
في ضَمير مَوسوس

١٩. كَم ذا تَعذيني فَدَيتك
يا ظَلوم وَلَم أَسي