1. His vitals are embers, and his tears pour forth,
His quest is difficult, and his days are battles,
١. جَوانِحُهُ جَمرٌ وَمَدمَعَهُ سكبُ
وَمَطلَبُهُ صَعب وَأَيّامُهُ حَربُ
2. Neither does time mourn him, nor are friends loyal,
Neither do tears flow, nor does his fire subside,
٢. وَلا دَهرُهُ يَرثي وَلا أَلفَهُ يَفي
وَلا دَمعَهُ يَرقى وَلا نارهُ تَخبو
3. So who will tend to the illness of his body and heart
With the justice of sympathy for grief and sorrow's plunder?
٣. فَمِن لِعَليل جَسمَهُ وَفُؤادَهُ
بِحُكم التَجَني لِلضَنا وَالأَسى نَهب
4. And the one whose words are intoxicated with the wine
Of eloquence, as if it were the moistest pearls,
٤. وَمُستَعجم الأَلفاظ مِن خَمرة اللَما
عَلى أَنَّها مِن دونَها اللُؤلؤ الرَطب
5. He sings, and if he speaks you see the one
Conversing with him drunk from the intoxication of his words,
٥. أَغنّ إِذا أَملى الحَديث تَرى الَّذي
يُحادثهُ مِن سُكر أَلفاظِهِ يَكبو
6. He has a sword, the magic of his glance's edge, he has
A ponytail that entices and does not announce,
٦. لَهُ سَيف طَرف سحر أَلحاظِهِ لَهُ
فَرند تَكل المُرهَفات وَلا يَنبو
7. If I show him mercy due to loving him
His heart turns away from boredom and wonder,
٧. إِذا عَطَّفتُهُ رَحمة لِمُحبِهِ
ثَنَت قَلبُهُ عَنهُ المَلالة وَالعَجَب
8. And I reap, so I erase his sins with my apology
So my excuse does not end, nor does reproach end,
٨. وَيَجني فَأَمحو بِاِعتِذاري ذُنوبَهُ
فَلا يَنقَضي عُذري وَلا يَنقَضي العَتَب
9. And any torment he accepts as punishment
For myself other than dignity bears the heart,
٩. وَكُلُ عَذاب يَرتَضيهِ عُقوبَةً
لِنَفسي سِوى الأَعراض يَحمِلهُ القَلب
10. He says, and after my crying he has spent his blood,
There is nothing left in the west to give,
١٠. يَقول وَقَد أَفنى دَمي بَعدَ عِبرَتي
بَكايَ فَلا شَيءٌ يَجود بِهِ الغَرب
11. Do you not have a heart, oh youth, to melt
And pour forth tears to please love?
١١. أَما لَكَ قَلب يا فَتى فَتُذيبُهُ
وَتَسفحهُ دَمعاً لِيَرضى بِهِ الحُب
12. Love cannot be tied to one whose longing
Is not accompanied by a heart and mind,
١٢. فَلَيسَ يُدين الحُب أَن يَصحَب الَّذي
تُصاحِبُهُ الأَشواق قَلب وَلا لُب
13. And what is love if tears do not flow
Pouring pure blood, exposing the clouds?
١٣. وَما الحُب إِلّا إِن تَسيل مَدامع
تَفيض دَماً صَرفاً فَتَفتَضح السُحب
14. So I said to him, my soul redeems you from evil,
And it is not justice for the youth to be killed,
١٤. فَقُلت لَهُ تَفديكَ نَفسي مِن الرَدى
وَلَيسَ مِن الإِنصاف أَن يَقتُل الصَب
15. I have long shed my tears and long cried
Blood until the soil was watered by my blood,
١٥. لَقَد طالَما ذَرَيت دَمعي وَطالَما
بَكَيت دَماً حَتّى إِرتَوى مِن دَمي التُرب
16. If my heart remained I would melt it
But longing and hardship have destroyed it,
١٦. وَلَو كانَ قَلبي باقياً لَأَذَبتُهُ
وَلَكِنَهُ أَودى بِهِ الشَوق وَالكَرب
17. So who can I find with a heart that heals its tormentor
With its torment, even if there was no crime?
١٧. فَمَن لي بِقَلب يَشتَفي بِعَذابِهِ
مُعذِبُهُ مِنهُ وَإِن لَم يَكُن ذَنب
18. I have treated myself from what ails me with every remedy
That benefited doctors and books,
١٨. تَداوَيت مِما بي بِكُل مُجَرب
صَحيح أَفادَتهُ الأَطباءُ وَالكُتب
19. But I have only increased in illness and confusion,
And troubles have not ceased, nor has medicine helped,
١٩. فَما إِزدَدت إِلّا علة وَصبابَةً
وَلَم تَنقض البَلوى وَما نَفَع الطب
20. So I realized that love has no cure,
Even though intimacy may benefit the lovesick.
٢٠. فَأَيقَنت إِن الحُب لَيسَ لَهُ دَوا
عَلى أَنَّهُ قَد يَنفَع المدنف القُرب