
My tears flowed from the anguish of his harshness

تورد الدمع من توريد وجنته

1. My tears flowed from the anguish of his harshness
And my body trembled from the intensity of his severity

١. تورَّد الدَمع مِن تَوريد وَجنَتِهِ
وَرَقّ جِسمي ضَناً مِن فَرط قسوَتِهِ

2. How often he blamed me out of ignorance for my love of him
And had he seen me, he would have ransomed me with his soul

٢. كَم لامَني في هَواهُ عاذِلي سَفهاً
وَلَو رَآهُ لفدّاهُ بِمُهجَتِهِ

3. It was as if he had been in Paradise, tempting
The young boys and houris, or they became enamored of his image

٣. كَأَنَّما كانَ في الفَردوس فَافتَتَن ال
ولدان وَالحور أَو هاموا بِصورَتِهِ

4. So Ridwan and the angels were confused by him and by
His beauty, and they protected themselves from the evil of his seduction

٤. فَحارَ رضوان وَالأَملاك فيهِ وَفي
جَمالِهِ وَتحاموا شَرَّ فَتنَتِهِ

5. And they cast him out from Paradise, fearing that
The houris would regain their beauty through seeing him

٥. فَأَخرَجوهُ مِن الفَردوس خِشية أَن
يَستَعيد الحور فيها حُسن طَلعَتِهِ

6. And they settled him on earth so that its inhabitants
Would long for the Gardens and those in it by seeing him

٦. وَأَسكَن الأَرض كَي يَشتاق ساكِنُها
إِلى الجِنان وَمَن فيها بِرُؤيَتِهِ

7. My eyes are tied to his glance and I cannot look away
It is as if my eyelids are bound to his

٧. لا بِطَرف الطَرف مِن عِندَ رُؤيَتِهِ
كَأَنَّ طَرفيَ مَعقود بِمُقلَتِهِ

8. My insides flame from the heat of his saliva
It is as if my heart prays towards the fire of his cheek

٨. أَحشايَ في وَهجِ مِن بَرد ريقَتِهِ
كَأَنَّ قَلبيَ يَصلى نار وَجنَتِهِ

9. And I have not tasted him, but if I had tasted him it would have
Healed my heart of the burning of its anguish

٩. وَلَم أَذُقهُ وَلَو قَد ذُقتَهُ لَشفي
قَلبي المَعنى بِهِ مِن حَر غَلتِهِ

10. But I desired him one day and I became intoxicated
By the scent of his wine or the fragrance of his breath

١٠. لَكن تَمَنيتُهُ يَوماً فَأَسكَرَني
بِريح خَمرَتِهِ أَو عرف نَكهَتِهِ

11. If the two moles on his cheek fell from his face
Hearts concealed beneath his bracelet would tumble out

١١. لَو حَلَّ هَميانُهُ مِن خصره سَقطت
مِنهُ قُلوب طَواها تَحتَ عقدَتِهِ

12. Resenting the phantom to return perfumed
And scorning to reconcile in his love

١٢. مُستَكثر أَن يَعود الطَيف مدنفهُ
وَاِستَقَلُّ تَلافي في مَحبَتِهِ

13. And of my troubles with him, I am jealous of
His name being mentioned among his family and household

١٣. وَمِن عَنائي بِهِ أَني أَغار عَلى
ذِكر اسمِهِ بَينَ أَهليهِ وَأُسرَتِهِ

14. I fear for his cheek that my thoughts of him
Will wound it, so delicate is its tenderness

١٤. أَخشى عَلى خَدّه أَن مثلتهُ ليَ ال
أَفكار وَالوَهم أَن يُدمى لِرقَتِهِ

15. Nothing remains of my weary heart nor my body
That he could see and destroy with his aloofness

١٥. لَم يَبقَ مِن قَلبيَ المضنى وَلا بَدَني
شَيءٌ يَراهُ فَيفنيهِ بِجَفوَتِهِ

16. And I have no more tears to cry, for the sorrows
Of the passionate are too subtle for his compassion

١٦. وَلا مِن الدَمع ما أَبكي بِهِ فَلَقَد
يَخف كَرب الشجي عَنهُ بِعبرَتِهِ