1. I turned away, and you are the spirit, the question, the hope
The hand of longing went to play with fate
١. صَدَدتُ وَأَنتَ الروح وَالسُؤل وَالأَمَل
فَراحَت يَدُ الأَشواق تَلعَب بِالأَجَل
2. I deserted by the rule of loss, fatigue, and boredom
And your vision made my eyes desolate, and it did not cease
٢. هَجرت بِحُكم التيه والدك وَالمَلَل
وَأَوحَشَت مِن رُؤياكَ طَرفي وَلَم تَزَل
3. Roaming in your orchard of roses and gardens ever green
I deserted a lover whose loyalty did not fail
٣. تَنَزههُ في وَرد وَجنَتِكَ الغَض
4. And nothing of him remained except his ailments and blood
And the tearful eyes overflowed with his blood
٤. هَجَرت مُحبّاً لَم يَحد عَن وَفائِهِ
وَلَم يَبقَ مِنهُ السُقم غَير ذمائِهِ
5. So if you fear the tongue of his crying
The view is none but to wink with closed eyes
٥. وَقَرح مِنهُ الطَرف فَيض دِمائِهِ
فَإِن كُنتَ تَخشى مِن لِسان بُكائِهِ
٦. فَما الرَأي إِلّا أَن تَبَرطل بِالغَمض