
With his eyes a sorcerer, he teaches me magic

بعينيه سحار يعلمني السحرا

1. With his eyes a sorcerer, he teaches me magic
And whispers its secrets to me, so I shape them into verse

١. بِعَينيهِ سَحار يعلمني السِحرا
وَيوحيهِ لي سرّاً فَأنظمهُ شِعرا

2. And it is no exaggeration when I say his glance is bewitching
By Him who created all sorcery!

٢. وَلَيسَ بِقَولي إِن في اللَحظ ساحِراً
مُبالغَة لا وَالَّذي خَلَقَ السحرا

3. His pleasure shines from his watcher's eyes
And he conveys it to me when he gives me an amorous glance

٣. يسرُّ رُضاهُ عَن عُيون رَقيبِهِ
وَيَفهمنيهِ حينَ يَلحَظني شَزرا

4. And I swear if cups of wine approached his party
Their scent would be perfume and make them disappear in drunkenness

٤. وَأَقسَمتُ لَو تَدنو الطَلا مِن رِضابِهِ
لِعُطرِها طيباً وَغَيبَها سُكرا

5. His waist wrapper in his waist will forever perplex
Like my heart's perplexity after patience is gone

٥. مَناطِقهُ في خِصرِهِ أَبَداً حَيرى
كَحيرة قَلبي بَعدَ ما زايل الصَبرا

6. So every heart but his is infatuated
And every eye but his is tearful

٦. فَلا قَلب إِلّا في هَواهُ مُبلبلٌ
وَلا عَينٌ إِلّا مِن تَجنيهِ عَبرى

7. With my soul, he turned away from me, refusing
And punished me with estrangement, unjustly and without fault

٧. بِروحي حَبيباً صَدَّ عَنيَ مُعرِضاً
وَعاقَبَني بِالهَجر ظُلماً وَلا وَزرا

8. My night grew long with wakefulness and his estrangement
So I hope for no relief in it or dawn

٨. تَطاول لَيلي وَالسُهاد وُهَجرَهُ
فَلا فَرَجاً أَرجوهُ فيهِ وَلا فَجرا

9. As if the brow of dawn is a secret, held back
By the conscience of nightfall, unwilling to unfurl it

٩. كَأَنَّ جَبين الصُبح سِرّاً أَسرَّه
ضَمير الدُجى ما إِن يُريد لَهُ نَشرا

10. With yearning, memory has severed my heart
So my mind is distraught and my body wrecked

١٠. لَقَد قَطَعت بِالشَوق قَلبي يَد الذِكرى
فَواقَلبيَ البالي وَواكبدي الحَرا

11. And sickness has wasted me, lacking union with him,
Leaving me with nothing but tears and thoughts

١١. وَشَفتنيَ الأَسقام إِذ أَعوز اللقا
فَلَم تَبقَ لي إِلّا المَدامع وَالفِكرا

12. I say to a bird who mourns his companion at night
When he moans, overflowing with sorrow:

١٢. أَقول لِطَير باتَ يَندُب أَلفَهُ
إِذا حَنَّ مِما شَفَهُ مَلأ الصَدرا

13. His burning lament almost
Tears open his breast, neck, and throat

١٣. يَكادُ إِذا ما ناحَ حَرّ حَنينِهِ
يُمزق مِنهُ الصَدر وَالطَوق وَالنَحرا

14. When he cries from atop the boughs with a cry
Whose breaths could ignite embers

١٤. إِذا رَنَّ مِن فَوق الأَراكة رَنة
تَنَفَسَت أَنفاساً لَها تَحرق الجَمرا

15. We are both strangers, complaining of the heat of distance,
Both lovers, complaining of coldness and estrangement,

١٥. كِلانا غَريب يَشتَكي حَرقة النَوى
كِلانا مُحبٌّ يَشتَكي الصَد وَالهَجرا

16. Both alone, separated from our companions against our will,
Accompanied by worries, grief, and harm.

١٦. كِلانا وَحيد فارَقَ الأَلف راغِماً
وَصاحب فيها الهَمَّ وَالحُزنَ وَالضَرّا

17. Yet I see you are sparing of tears
While my tears flood land and sea.

١٧. وَلَكن أَرى مِنكَ الدُموع بِخيلة
وَفَيض دُموعي يَغمُر البرَّ وَالبَحرا

18. Do you remember me, O bird, though I remember him
And have never for a day forgotten to reminisce?

١٨. أَتذَكُرُني يا طَير مَن أَنا ذاكر
وَلَم أَنسَهُ يَوماً فَتَحَدث لي ذِكرا

19. Oh, would that I knew if there is a way to union,
For in one moment of nearness I would give my life.

١٩. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل سَبيلٌ إِلى اللُقا
فَفي ساعة مِن قَربِهِ أَبذل العُمرا

20. I would meet rejection before meeting him if I forgot him,
Though after intimacy, rejection is more fitting.

٢٠. لَقيت الرَدى قَبل اللُقا إِن نَسيتهُ
وَإِن كانَ بَعد الأَلف وَرد الرَدى أَحرى