1. A boy, as the dew flows on his cheek,
Scented blossoms whisper in his branch.
١. غُلام كَما سالَ في خَدِهِ
عَذار تَنمنم في وَردِهِ
2. His mouth is perfumed with the water of life,
And the water of shyness, on his cheek.
٢. بِفيهِ المَعَطِّر ماء الحَيا
ة وَماء الحَياء عَلى خَدِهِ
3. With it is solid coldness, how many a heart,
Yearning for his branch, has it led astray.
٣. بِهِ بَردٌ جامد كَم أَذا
بَ قَلباً يُتوق إِلى وَردِهِ
4. And I sip it with a subtle breath,
So my heart is burnt by its coldness.
٤. وَإِني لَأَرشفه بِالضَمي
ر فَحرُّ فُؤادي مِن بَردِهِ
5. His estrangement has surely disturbed my heart,
So it became more confused than its slave.
٥. لَقَد أَقلَق القَلب هِجرانُهُ
فَأَصبَح أَحير مِن بندهِ
6. And my body wasted by its symptoms,
So my body became weaker than its time.
٦. وَانحل جَسميَ أَعراضُهُ
فَجسميَ أَوهن مِن عَهدِهِ
7. He abandoned me without any fault of mine,
The Master of beautiful visage was unjust to His slave.
٧. جَفاني مِن غَير ذَنب جَن
يت مَولى يَحور عَلى عَبدِهِ
8. Oh, woe to my heart from his love!
Oh, woe to my soul from his aloofness!
٨. فَيا وَيح قَلبيَ مِن حُبِهِ
وَيا وَيحَ نَفسيَ مِن صَدِهِ