
May God strengthen the hand of the most fortunate minister

أيد الله أسعد الوزراء

1. May God strengthen the hand of the most fortunate minister
With continual prosperity and bounty

١. أَيد اللَه أَسعَد الوُزَراءِ
بِدَوام الإِقبال وَالنَعماءِ

2. He does not consider luxury and pride anything
Other than relieving the anguish of the destitute

٢. لا يَعدُّ النَعيم وَالفَخر شَيئاً
غَير تَنفيس كُربة الفُقَراءِ

3. The commoners are God's trusts with
Kings and rulers

٣. الرَعايا وَدائع اللَه فيما
جاءَ عِندَ المُلوك وَالأُمَراءِ

4. And the rule of kings has always been better
Than the misguidance of ignorant commoners

٤. وَاِحتِكام المُلوك ما زالَ أَولى
مِن دَلال الرَعية الحَمقاءِ

5. Indeed, the turmoil of commoners brings
Ruin, affliction, while rule brings life

٥. إِنَّما الهَرج الرَعايا هَلاك
وَبَلاءٌ وَالحُكم كَالأَحياءِ

6. They have long likened the king to a body
And the minister to a healer of ills

٦. شَبهوا لمللك مِن قَديم بِجسم
وَالوَزير الطَبيب لِلأَدواءِ

7. And so too the military like natures within him
Always, and the elite like limbs

٧. وَكَذا الجُند كَالطَبائع فيهِ
أَبَداً وَالكِبار كَالأَعضاءِ

8. Each type of rabble like an imbalance
Which, if it exceeds, he cures with remedy

٨. كُل صَنف مِن الجُلود كَخَلط
أَن تَعدى فحسمهُ بِالدَواءِ

9. And their equilibrium, balance of temperament
Like the equilibrium of yellow and black bile

٩. وَتَساويهم اِعتِدال مَزاج
كَتَكافي الصَفراءِ وَالسَوداءِ

10. And adherence to limits by people means
What is said of wolves among sheep

١٠. وَلُزوم الحُدود لِلناس مَعنى
ما يُقال الذِئاب بَينَ الشاءِ

11. Every sin of the times we forgave
Except the rule of the foolish mob

١١. كُل ذَنب مِن الزَمان صَفَحنا
عَنهُ إِلّا تَحكم الغَوغاءِ

12. May God aid his victory, from a minister
Who lets down the curtain, revealing affliction

١٢. أَيد اللَه نَصرَهُ مِن وَزير
أَسبل الستر كاشف لِلبَلاءِ

13. And erased the name of disobedience and insolence, for the elite
The abode of the righteous and the pure

١٣. وَمَحا اِسم العِصيان وَالبَغي لِلشا
م مَقرّ الأَبرار وَالأَصفياءِ

14. Indeed, the clouds of misfortunes cleared from us
With the suns of wisdom and opinion

١٤. قَد جَلا غَيهب المَكاره عَنا
بِشُموس التَدبير وَالآراءِ

15. He unsheathed a sword from the scabbard of dignified forbearance
Whose bluntness was consumed by the foolishness of fools

١٥. سَلَّ سَيفاً مِن غمد حلم رَزين
أَكَلتُهُ سَفاهة السُفَهاءِ

16. And he threw them from it with the resolve of truth
Which overwhelmed them in a pitch-black night

١٦. وَرَماهُم مِنهُ بِعَزمة صدق
دَهمتهم بَلَيلة دَهماءِ

17. So God erased the sign of night, though
With the rays of the sword, not the intellect

١٧. فَمَحا اللَهُ آية اللَيل لَكن
بِشُعاع الحسام لا بِذَكاءِ

18. God gave tidings of destruction to a people
Who dealt with others with harm and aloofness

١٨. آذن اللَه بِالبوار لِقَوم
عاملوا الناسَ بِالأَذى وَالجَفاءِ

19. In the delusion of some of them, they did not protect
The sanctity of the honorable Law

١٩. بِغُرور مِن بَعضِهم ما تَحاموا
هَتك سَتر الشَريعة الغَرّاءِ

20. How wretched is the pious man who was robbed
By the state of ignorance, anguish of the devout

٢٠. كَم شَقيّ قَد اِستَرَق تَقيا
دَولة الجَهل غَصة الأَتقياء

21. They feared before their day, so they lived
In fear of destruction before supper

٢١. خوفوا قَبل يَومِهم فَتَعاشوا
بِخُوف الهَلاك قَبل العَشاءِ

22. And by a wind that nearly brought down the foundations
And admonished them by demolishing buildings

٢٢. وَبريح كادَت تَزيل الرَواسي
وَعظتهم بِهَدمِها لِلبِناء

23. No benefit comes to the foolish from advice
Except the benefit bats get from light

٢٣. ما اِنتِفاع السَفيهِ بِالنُصح إِلّا
كَاِنتِفاع الخَفاش بِالأَضواءِ

24. I addressed them with the eloquence of the sword when
They turned away from the rhetoric of the eloquent

٢٤. خاطَبتُهُم بَلاغة السَيف لَما
أَعرَضوا عَن فَصاحة الفُصحاءِ

25. With the deceit of the sword they received a reward
For the conceit with horses and horsemen

٢٥. بِغرار الحُسام بادوا جزاءً
عَن غُرور بِالخَيل وَالخَيلاءِ

26. Where is this hiding after appearing?
Where is that appearing after hiding?

٢٦. أَينَ هَذا الخَفاء بَعد ظُهور
أَينَ ذاكَ الظُهور بَعدَ الخَفاءِ

27. An event whose mention on earth remains
For the children to learn from the fathers

٢٧. وَقعة ذِكرها عَلى الأَرض يَبقى
لاعتبار الأَبناءِ بِالآباءِ

28. After presenting praise, the prayer comes
He established limits for justice as guidance

٢٨. هاكَ تاريخَها إِذا شئت بَيتاً
بَعدَ عَرض الثَناءِ غِب الدُعاءِ

29. And banished misfortune, the most fortunate minister

٢٩. قَد أَقامَ الحُدود لِلعَدل هَدياً
وَنَفى النَحس أَسعَد الوُزراءِ