
O you whose passion enslaves me,

يا من لصب واله

1. O you whose passion enslaves me,
Whose beauty melts my heart,

١. يا مَنَ لصب والِهِ
قَد ذابَ مشن بلبالِهِ

2. Whose illness makes me sick, though
I struggle against his rebellion.

٢. وَلع السِقام بِهِ وَلو
ع عَذولهِ بِجدالِهِ

3. His beauty almost prevents
Me from seeing his perfection.

٣. وَمَمنع سَلب العُقو
ل مِن الوَرى بِجَمالِهِ

4. Justice never occurs to me,
Nor does affection come to mind.

٤. قَد كادَ أَن يَحكيهِ بَد
ر التمّ عِندَ كَمالِهِ

5. Lost in confusion,
Never free from his name and union.

٥. لا يَخُطر الإِنصاف قَط
وَلا الحُنوّ بِبالِهِ

6. I long for his imaginary images,
And for the star of his unavailability.

٦. مُتَطير مِن تَيهِهِ
أَبَداً مِن اسم وِصالِهِ

7. His imaginary images almost
Prevent me from reaching out to them.

٧. نَهوى طُروق خَيالِهِ
وَالنجم دونَ مَنالِهِ

8. O Lord, his eyes have cut
My heart with their sharp blades.

٨. وَيَكاد يَمنَع أَن يلمَّ
بِنا خَيال خَيالِهِ

9. And increased the darkness
With their most dark moles.

٩. يا رَب قطع طَرفَهُ
قَلبي بِحَد نِصالِهِ

10. Why torture the ardent lover
With his aloofness and indifference?

١٠. وَنَفى السَداد وَزادَ في
سَواديَ أَسود خالِهِ

11. If you wanted blessings for the enamored worshipper,
Hurry, for death to him is better than his state.

١١. أَمعذب الصَب العَليل
بِصَدِهِ وَمَلالِهِ

12. If he could buy dreams,
He would, with all his money.

١٢. إِن كُنتَ تَرغَب في المَني
ية لِلمُحب الوالهِ

13. So perhaps the lover would find peace
In his death and disappearance.

١٣. عَجل بِها فَالمَوت هَو
نٌ عِندَهُ مِن حالِهِ

١٤. لَو كانَ يَبتاعُ الحا
م لَهُ شَراهُ بِمالِهِ

١٥. فَلَرُبَما اِرتاحَ المُحب
بِمَوتِهِ وَزَوالِهِ