1. The origin of the beloved and the wine cup,
And I shun blame and advice.
١. وَأَصل المَحبوب وَالقَدحا
وَأَهجر اللؤام وَالنصحا
2. Ask the cupbearer to pass by with it,
And the forehead of dawn has become clear.
٢. وَسَل الساقي يَطوفُ بِها
وَجَبين الصُبح قَد وَضحا
3. So is the life anything but tranquility,
And a potion that grants joy?
٣. فَهَل الدُنيا سِوى سَكَنٍ
وَعَقار تَمنَح الفَرحا
4. I hid from its gentleness, so it conversed
With a whim in a presented idea.
٤. خَفيت مِن لُطفِها فَحَكَت
خاطِراً في خاطر سَنَحا
5. If an ascetic in his time saw
The face of its bearer, he would wish for it.
٥. لَو رَأى وَجه المُدير لَها
زاهد مِن وَقتِهِ اِقتَرَحا
6. And I fear that if it touches comfort,
It will not conceal the wine cup.
٦. وَاخش أَن تَنهال إِن لَمَستَ
راحة لا تَحجب القَدحا
7. The breeze did not quench me, its bearer,
Rather, ardor and joy quenched me.
٧. ما سَقاني الراح حامِلُها
بَل سَقاني الوَجد وَالبَرحا
8. Love granted me its eyelashes,
Which killed many granted it.
٨. مَنَحتِني الحُب مُقلَتُهُ
رُبَّ مَقتول بِما مَنَحا
9. I kept healing with it and because of it,
While my blood from its eyelashes gushed.
٩. ظَلتُ أَستَشفي بِها وَلَها
وَدَمي مِن مُقلَتي نَضَحا
10. And when will wounds heal if
Its healer was the one who gashed?
١٠. وَمَتى تَبرى الجِراح إِذا
كانَ آسيها الَّذي جَرَحا
11. So I watered the meadow for some time,
When attachment to it was generous.
١١. فَسَقَيتُ الريَّ يا زَمَناً
كانَ لي بِالوَصل قَد سَمَحا
12. Wondrous is time in its wonders,
While it is led when it raged.
١٢. عَجَباً لِلدَهر مِن عَجَب
بَينَما يَنقاد إِذ جَمحا
13. It gathered us for a meeting at night,
And cast us apart at dawn.
١٣. قَد جَمَعنا لِلقا سِحراً
وَرُمينا بِالفُراق ضُحى
14. It cried, "If the agony of love comes generously,
Call a thousand to me with it."
١٤. صاحَ إِن جئت اللَوى كَرَماً
حَيِّ لي أَلفاً بِهِ نَزَحا
15. So if you ask about me, say,
"A specter that left dejected."
١٥. فَإِن اِستَخبَرت عَنيَ قُل
شَبَحاً غادَرت مطرحا
16. The embers of passion spent the night praying
With the flint of lightning that sparked.
١٦. باتَ يُصَلي اللَيل جَمر جَوى
بِزِناد البَرق قَد قَدَحا
17. And its doves shed tears
From a cooing, moaning dove.
١٧. وَجَرَت دَمعاً حَشاشَتهُ
مِن حَمام موهِناً صَدحا
18. Then its breath expired, so it passed away,
While passion and fervor did not wane.
١٨. ثُمَّ فاضَت نَفسُهُ فَقَضى
وَالجَوى وَالوَجد ما بَرَحا