
My heart obeyed you striving, yet I disobeyed it

أطاعك قلبي جاهدا فعصيته

1. My heart obeyed you striving, yet I disobeyed it
And I scorched it with the fire of disloyalty, but it was not burnt

١. أَطاعَكَ قَلبي جاهِداً فَعصيتهُ
وَأَصلَيتُهُ نار التَجَني وَلَم يَجن

2. Oh, if only one day it would obey me
For it has disappointed me, as if it had never been mine

٢. فَيا لَيتُهُ في الدَهر يَوماً يَطيعُني
فَقَد عَقَني حَتّى كَأَن لَم يَكُن مني

3. It has struggled in destroying my soul with passion
And my body melted, yet it is weaker than a bough

٣. وَقَد جَدَ في اتلاف نَفسي مَع الهَوى
وَاِنحَلَ جِسمي فَهُوَ أَوهى مِن العَهنِ

4. The shedding of tears is no mere coolness
Of ecstasy, neither does it avail against yearning

٤. وَلَيسَ اِنسِكاب الدَمع بِبَرد غلةً
مِن الوَجد وَيَجدي مِن الشَوق أَو يَغني

5. May God watch over those who did not keep my covenant when they were unfaithful
And turned away until their image turned away from me

٥. رَعى اللُه مَن لَم يَرعَ عَهديَ إِذ جَفا
وَأَعرض حَتّى طيفُهُ مُعرض عَني

6. How can an apparition visit confused, when its eyelid
In life has never fallen upon an eyelid

٦. وَكَيفَ يَزور الطَيف حَيران لَم يَقع
لِمُقلَتِهِ في الدَهر جفن عَلى جفن

7. Since you cannot do good, so who can do good?
Is benevolence found except with beauty?

٧. إِذا أَنتَ لا تُحسن فَما ثمَّ محسن
وَهَل يُوجد الإِحسان إِلّا مَع الحُسن

8. And if you seek to destroy me, in life there is consolation
Which leads the firm to sorrow with anxiety and grief

٨. وَإِن تَبغِ إِتلافي فَفي الدَهر مقنع
يَسوق الرَدى لِلحَرّ بِالهَم وَالحُزن

9. Whoever does not die satisfied in obedience to love
His resting place has never poured with syrup of sweetness

٩. وَمَن لَم يَمُت في طاعَة الحُب راضياً
فَلا جادَ مَثواهُ سَكوب مِن المُزن

10. My excuse is a life that is unjust with passion
And corrupts what it provides with rejection and prevention

١٠. عَذيريَ مِن دَهر يَجور مَع الهَوى
وَيُفسد ما يُسديهِ بِالرَد وَالمنّ

11. I will spend my time trusting and satisfied
And restrain my soul from encountering misfortune

١١. سَأَفني زَماني بِالتَوَكُل وَالرِضى
وَأَزجر نَفسي عَن مواردة الأَجن

12. And I will turn away from the love of veils and temptation
With my soul, from the honor of dignity, to a fortress

١٢. وَأَعرض عَن ود اللِثام وَالتَجي
بِنَفسيَ مِن عِز الإِباءِ إِلى حصن

13. Can the free man consent to disgrace for himself
Even if he were in the Garden of Eternity or Eden?

١٣. وَهَل يَرتَضي الحُرّ الهَوان لِنَفسِهِ
وَلَو أَنَّهُ في جَنة الخُلد أَو عَدَن

14. No, by the night and daybreak, the full moon and Sirius
And what I have endured, that is not my way

١٤. فَلا وَالدُجى وَالبيد وَالعيس وَالسَرى
وَما قَد أُقاسي لَيسَ ذَلِكَ مِن شَأني

15. Selling one's soul unjustly and leaving one's home
Brings no loss or regret to the free

١٥. وَلَيسَ بِبَيع النَفس مَن دُون وَجهِها
وَلا في فُراق الدار لِلحرّ مِن غبن

16. My noble soul, and God is its guarantor
For its livelihood, if one day it becomes needy

١٦. وَما فَضل نَفسي الحُرّ وَاللَهُ كافل
لِأَرزاقِهِ إِن ذلَّ يَوماً لِيَستَغني