1. My heart whispers your name secretly
And my tongue is wet with the mention of you
١. إِن قَلبي كَليم نَجواكَ سرّاً
وَلِساني رَطب بِذِكراكَ مغرى
2. I was absent to the point of drunkenness with your memory
Not because I forgot you more by frequent mention
٢. غِبتُ حَتّى عَنى بِذكرك سُكراً
لا لِأَني أَنساكَ أَكثَر ذِكرا
3. But my tongue flows with that
Except embracing the two souls - there is no estrangement
٣. ك وَلَكن بِذاكَ يَجري لِساني
لاعتِناق الروحين ما ثُم هَجر
4. Except that seeing you in person is easier
Your beauty is not hidden from me by any veil
٤. غَير أَن العَيان أَمر يَسر
لَيسَ يَخفي عَني جَمالك سَتر
5. You are in my heart and my wings and my soul
You are my wish and you are my desires
٥. أَنتَ في القَلب وَالجَوانح وَالرو
ح وَأَنتَ المُنى وَأَنتَ الأَماني
6. They described solace to me in ignorance and named
Me increasingly longing so they turned away
٦. وَصَفوا لي السَلوَّ جَهلاً وَسَموا
فَرَأوني أَزدادُ شَوقاً فَوَلوا
7. I did not say "if only I could see you" or "if only I could"
Every limb of me sees you from longing
٧. لَم أَقُل لَيتَني أَراكَ وَلا لَو
كُل عَضو مِني يَراكَ مِن الشَو
8. With an eye that needs no vision
٨. ق بِعَين غَنية عَن عَيان