
My heart is passionately in love with you, O cruel one

قلبي بحبك يا ظلوم مولع

1. My heart is passionately in love with you, O cruel one
It will forever melt or crack for you

١. قَلبي بِحُبك يا ظَلوم مُولع
أَبَداً يَذوب عَلَيكَ أَو يَتَصَدَعُ

2. Excessive passion has harmed me, and perhaps
The ignorant lover does not know what hurts and what benefits

٢. فَرط الدُنو أَضَرَّ بي وَلربما
جَهل المُتَيم ما يَضُرُّ وَيَنفَع

3. You brought me close at times, at others you distanced me
You ignored me while my love was being shredded

٣. قَرَّيتني حيناً فَحين مَلَكتِني
أَقصَيتَني وَحَشاشَتي تَتقطَع

4. You have relieved yourself of protecting me, and I reckon
That without my demise, you will not relent

٤. قَد برّحت حِمّاي بي وَأَظنها
عَني بِدون مَنيَتي لا تقلع

5. I have come to await the pigeons, and I do not fear
Them, but rather fear your rejection even more

٥. أَصبَحتُ أَنتَظر الحَمام وَلَم أَخَف
مِنهُ وَلَكن مِن صُدودك أَجزَع

6. God has ruled that I die of my anguish
And sorrow for you, and His rule cannot be defied

٦. حُكم الإِلَهُ بان أَموت بِلَوعَتي
وَجداً عَلَيكَ وَحُكمُهُ لا يَدفع

7. You are obsessed with tormenting me
While I am obsessed with loving you

٧. فَولعت أَنتَ بِمُهجَتي وَعَذابِها
وَأَنا بِحُبك مُستهام مولَع

8. O my killer, with your rejection, what do you see
In someone devastated, wishing for the phantom of your peace

٨. يا قَاتِلي بَصدودهِ ماذا تَرى
في مُدنف بِسَلام طَيفك يَقنَع

9. If only you would send me a specter to visit me
Alas, how can one who does not rest, visit me

٩. هَلّا بَعَثتَ لِيَ الخَيال يُعَوِدُني
هَيهات كَيفَ يَزور مَن لا يَهجَع

10. You have eternal life, so you are not the first
To pass away while enjoying what you desire

١٠. وَلَكَ البَقاء فَلَستَ أَولُ مَن قَضى
كَمداً وَأَنتَ بِما يَسرّ مُمتع