1. You have possessed my heart yet I do not possess you, my home
I do not see you sharing this possession with me
١. مَلَكتَ قَلبي وَلَم أَملكهُ يا سَكَني
وَما أَراكَ بِهَذا المُلك تَشركني
2. So order it, my Master, to be gentle with me
For your slave has become tortured
٢. فَمرهُ بِاللَهِ يا مَولايَ يُرفق بي
فَإِن عَبدك قَد أَمسى يُعَذِبُني
3. Do you not see it burning with the fire of passion, scorching me
Unjustly while my eyes drown in a flood of tears
٣. أَما تَراهُ بِنار الوَجد يَحرِقُني
ظُلماً وَعَيني بِفَيض الدَمع تَغرِقُني
4. Your absence taught me estrangement, O unjust one, so if
The apparition afflicted me, sleep began to abandon me
٤. عَلَّمت طَيفك هَجري يا ظَلوم فَلو
أَلمَّ بي الطَيف أَمسى النَوم يَهجِرُني
5. By your eyes I swear, I have no madness for your love but
Illness, sleeplessness, obsessive thoughts and sadness
٥. فَلا وَعَينيكَ مالي مِن هَواك سِوى ال
سقام وَالسهد وَالأَفكار وَالحُزن
6. I have melted until my shirt has become heavy on me
And those who knew me have become unrecognizing of me
٦. قَد ذُبت حَتّى قَميصي صارَ يُثقِلُني
وَصارَ يُنكِرُني مَن كانَ يَعرِفُني
7. I held back my tears with all my strength yet they outpaced me
And my love and longing exposed me
٧. أَكفكف الدَمع جُهدي وَهُوَ يَسبِقُني
وَاِستُر الحُب وَالأَشواق تَفضَحَني
8. And from my troubles, I have been tempted by one
Whose beauty has made even ascetics fall into temptation
٨. وِمِن عَنائيَ إِني قَد فُتِنتُ بِمَن
جَمالَهُ أَوقَعَ النسّاك في الفِتَن
9. I saw the youthfulness in his eyelids, his witchery,
So my heart was hunted - if only love had not existed
٩. رَأَيتُ في جِفنِهِ الوَسنان ساحِرُهُ
فَصادَ قَلبي فَلَيتَ الحُب لَم يَكُن
10. And if only my eyes had not seen his beauty
Then my demise was between witchcraft and youth
١٠. وَلَيتَ عَيني لَم تُبصر مَحاسِنهُ
فَمَصرَعي كانَ بَينَ السحر وَالوَسَن
11. I became accustomed to the long sleeplessness, so if
The darkness had passed over my eyelids, I would not feel lonely
١١. أَلفت في حُبِهِ طول السهاد فَلَو
مَرَّ الغُموض عَلى جِفني لا وَحشَتي
12. Or if his appearance resembled the rising full moon
Then at nightfall he would comfort me
١٢. أَو كانَ يَشبَهُ بَدر التَمّ طَلعتهُ
لَكانَ عِندَ طُلوع اللَيل يُؤنِسُني
13. I sacrifice myself for you, the one I complain to of
His harshness, knowing he will not have mercy on me
١٣. أَفديكَ يا مَن إِلَيهِ أَشتَكيهِ عَلى
علم بِقَسوَتِهِ إِن لَيسَ يَرحَمَني
14. If you have no choice but to kill me without cause
Then gently take my soul from my body
١٤. إِن لَم يَكُن لَكَ مِن قَتلي بِلا سَيب
بُدٌ فَبالرفق خُذ روحي مِن البَدَن