1. The free man keeps grudges against time,
With which the cycles of planets reproach him.
١. أَعِندَ الحُرّ للأَيام ثارُ
يُطالِبهُ بِهِ الفلك المُدارُ
2. Go easy, O time! Be more gentle!
Is there no end to drunkenness or wine?
٢. رُوَيداً يا زَمان أَرفق قَليلاً
أَما لِلسُكر صَحو أَو خِمار
3. It is disgraceful that glories should be humiliated,
A disgrace to you, though no dishonor stains the free man.
٣. أَما في ذلة الأَمجاد عَيب
عَلَيكَ وَلا بِهَون الحُرّ عار
4. It grieves me that a steed should stumble before you
And no excuse be made for him.
٤. يَعزُّ عَلَيَّ أَن يَكبو جَواد
لَدَيكَ وَلا يُقال لَهُ عثار
5. It has done wrong to a generous man whose fingers
Cannot match its pearls, even were he to fill the seas.
٥. أَساءَت إِلى كَريم لا تُباري
بِزخرتها أَناملَهُ البِحار
6. The least of his gifts in every land
Are the finest horses, though laden with pure blood.
٦. أَقل هِباتِهِ في كُلِ أَرض
كِرام الخَيل أَثقَلُها النضار
7. A youth who grants life without a care,
If wealth declines or buildings crumble.
٧. فَتي يَهب الحَياة وَلا يُبالي
إِذا ما عَزَّ مال أَو عَقار
8. His gifts pour constantly,
And his apology follows after his generosity.
٨. تَسيل هِباتُهُ مُتَتابِعات
وَيَتبَع رَفدُهُ مِنهُ اِعتِذار
9. He smiles while spears strike,
Frowning while the arrows have buttons.
٩. وَيبسم وَالسَلاهب ساهِمات
عَبوس وَالكَماة لَها اَزورار
10. I pledge myself, who has lodged it, and my patience
Accompanies it, while my heart is afire,
١٠. بِنَفسي مِن أَودَعَهُ وَصَبري
يُصاحِبهُ وَقَلبي مُستَطار
11. I bid it farewell with breaths
Repeated by burning entrails.
١١. أَشيعهُ بِأَنفاس مِداد
تَرددهنَّ أَحشاءٌ حِرار
12. Indeed, my Master, are you leaving
When after you I have no peace or rest?
١٢. أَحَقاً أَنتَ يا مَولايَ غادٍ
وَبَعدَك لي سُكون أَو قَرار
13. My place, after your departure, even my life,
I see as disgraceful, and disgrace is fire.
١٣. مَقامي بَعد نَأيك بَل حَياتي
أَرى عاراً بِها وَالعار نار
14. But man has no stratagem
Against fate's bending, no choice.
١٤. وَلَكن لَيسَ لِلمَرء اِحتِيال
مَع القَدر المُناح وَلا اِختِيار
15. Travel safely under God's protection and receive good news
Of might after it! Yes, abundant favours!
١٥. فسر في ذمة الرَحمَن وَأَبشر
بِعز بِعدَهُ نعم غزار
16. The like of you, every man of bounty and glory,
Has a departure, while all the earth is his abode,
١٦. فَمثلك كُل ذي كَرَم وَمَجد
لَهُ خَل وَكُلُ الأَرض دار
17. Your plants will not be blighted by the nights,
For your survival is the pride of the world,
١٧. فَلا نابتكَ نائِبة اللَيالي
فَإِنَّ بَقاكَ لِلدُنيا فَخار
18. And apart from it are lofty dwellings
In an abode towering over time.
١٨. وَدونكها فَواف رائِعات
بِدار عَلى الزَمان بِها عَقار
19. I have not praised you seeking favour,
Nor needing praise for your elevation.
١٩. وَلَم أَمدَحكَ لاستجداءِ نَعمى
وَلا بِعُلاكَ لِلمَدح اِفتِقار
20. But that flows from a generous heart
That loves the like of you and takes pride in you.
٢٠. وَلَكن ذاكَ مِن قَلبٍ كَريم
لَهُ شَغف بِمثلِكَ وَاِفتِخار