
For one whose love has long tormented them

من لنفس طال في الحب عناها

1. For one whose love has long tormented them
Passion leaves nothing of them but their blood

١. مَن لِنَفسٍ طالَ في الحُب عَناها
لَم يَدَع مِنها الهَوى إِلّا دِماها

2. I drank tears to quench its burning
But tears run out and could not reach its echo

٢. إِشرَب الدَمع لِيُطفي حَرَها
نَفد الدَمع وَما بَلّ صَداها

3. If it has weakened against its destroyer
Then its remedy and solace became difficult

٣. إِن تَكُن هانَت عَلى متلفها
فَلَقَد عَزَّ دَواها وَعَزاها

4. The nights of passion are in wretchedness
Renewing afflictions, not lamenting its disasters

٤. وَطُلول بِاللَوى بالية
جَدد البَلوى وَما رَثَت بَلاها

5. It did not cease crying over its signs
Until a pouring stream erased them

٥. لَم يَزَل يَبكي عَلى آياتها
وَاكف منسرب حَتّى مَحاها

6. My eyelids wept its outline
Before they dried, so I wiped away its remains

٦. وَبَكَت أَجفان عَيني رَسمَها
قَبلَ أَن جَفَت فَموّهتُ ثَراها

7. The breeze drew the train of the ostrich
So its scent was pleasant in its meadows

٧. سَحبت ريح النَعامى ذَيلَها
في رُباها فَلِذا طابَ شَذاها

8. My eyes shed my tears and blood
Spilling in weeping until I hated it

٨. أَنفذت عَينيَّ دَمعي وَدَمي
وَأَراقَت في البُكا حَتّى كَراها

9. With a polished sword I cry for it
Perhaps my heart will find comfort in its crying

٩. مِن مُعيري مُقلة أَبكي بِها
فَعَسى يَرتاحُ قَلبي بِبُكاها

10. If the anguished one day saw a polished sword
For sale he would buy it to cry with

١٠. لَو رَأى المَحزون يَوماً مُقلةً
لِلبُكا تَشرى بِمال لاشتراها

11. Tears do not dry from the eyes of one
In sadness unless grief folds it

١١. لا يَجف الدَمع مِن أَجفان ذي
شَجن إِلّا إِذا الحُزن ثَناها

12. To whom does the doe in the winding valley belong
Like the beloved, whose lips the meadow plucked

١٢. لِمَن العَيس بِوادي المنحنى
كَالحَنايا شَفها جَذب بَراها

13. Arrows, swift are their piercing
But the cheek's wound was more piercing

١٣. سَهماً دامية أَخفافها
أَسهُماً لَكنهُ الوَخد بَراها

14. It did not cease crossing the horizons
Until it folded and enveloped them

١٤. لَم تَزَل تَقطَع أَحواز الفَلا
بِالسَرى حَتّى طَوَتهُ وَطَواها

15. Once it competed and outstripped
The imminent lightning in its pace and succession

١٥. رَزماً كانَت إِذا سابَقَها
موشك البَرق شَأنهُ وَتَلاها

16. Now when she is rebuked
She stumbles for the cord of righteousness has tripped her

١٦. وَهِيَ اليَوم إِذا ما زَجرت
تَترامى وَقَدُ الفَتر خَطاها

17. The lightning laughed at her gloatingly
So she cried from her blindness until it cried with her

١٧. ضَحك البَرق عَلَيها شامِتاً
فَبَكَت مِن عَيها حَتّى بَكاها

18. Thus is the days, treacherous is its betrayal
It saw no one of pride except that it ruined them

١٨. وَكَذا الدَهر وَشيك غَدرُهُ
ما رَأى ذا عَزة إِلّا نَفاها

19. She carried the blossoms of passion which
Became like a bouquet from their tears during her affliction

١٩. حَملت أَنضاءَ شوق جَعَلوا
وَرَدَها مِن دَمعِهم عِندَ ظَماها

20. Whenever she moaned from her cheek, she complained
The pain of passion sent its envoys to her

٢٠. كُلَّما أَنَّت مِن الوَخد اِشتَكى
أَلَم الوَجد إِلَيها حادياها

21. O people, stop for me, be delayed
By my ruined love before its demise

٢١. أَيُّها الرَكب قِفوا لي تَؤجزوا
بِتَلافي مُهجَة قَبل فَناها

22. By He who destined us to be separated
From the beloved, if that was His decree

٢٢. بِالَّذي قَدرَّ أَن تُؤدي بِنا
فرقة الأَحباب لَما إِن قَضاها

23. Do you know where the people of passion settled
Which land they came down from, what protected them

٢٣. هَل لَكُم علم بِسُكان اللَوى
أَي أَرض نَزَلوا مِنها حِماها

24. Every land they settled, they made
As musk and camphor though it was pebbles

٢٤. كُلُ أَرض نَزَلوها صَيروا
تَريها مِسكاً وَكافوراً حَصاها

25. They left at night, and their lights were
A sun of beauty no darkness could veil

٢٥. رَحَلوا لَيلاً وَفي أَظعانهم
شَمس حُسن لَيسَ يَغشاها دُجاها

26. When did its glowing face rise
Like a verse of the night, erased by its brilliance

٢٦. أَي حينَ طالَعت غرتهُ
آية اللَيل محتها بِسَناها

If short-sighted eyes saw it they would not

٢٧. لَو رَأَتهُ القاصِرات العَين ما
قَصرت عَن قُربِهِ يَوماً مُناها

28. Fall short of its nearness for a day, desiring it
With eyes that whoever saw them

٢٨. ذو عُيون كُل مَن أَبصَرَها
قالَ مِن ساعَتِهِ يا قَلب آها

29. Would say at that moment: O heart! sigh!
Dawn would think it beneath itself

٢٩. يَستَقل السحر أَن يُعزى إِلى
طَرفِها شَخصٌ رَأى شَخصاً رَآها

30. To be attributed to their glance, if a person saw a person seeing them
Jacob’s soul needs if time would

٣٠. حاجة في نَفس يَعقوب الأَسى
لَو يَجود الدَهر يَوماً لَقَضاها

31. Fulfill it one day, he would request it
As for her, if her rejection was with passion

٣١. وَهِيَ إِن كانَ رداهُ بِالهَوى
فَليَكُن قاتِلُهُ حَدَّ ظِباها

32. Then let her killer be the judgment of her prosecutor
My soul refused life after him

٣٢. أَنفت نَفسي حَياتي بَعدَهُ
وَحشة يا وَيحَها ماذا دَهاها

33. How wretched, what has misguided it!
She left not by choice or habit

٣٣. فارَقَت لا عَن تَقالٍ أَلفها
فَرَأَت مِن بَعدِهِ عاراً بقاها