
My heart's embers, kindled by her glance,

واحر غلة قلبي الوقاد

1. My heart's embers, kindled by her glance,
Still burn though parted by vast distance.

١. وَاحرَّ غلة قَلبيَ الوَقّادِ
وَواطول ما يَلقى الفُؤاد الصادي

2. Her moon-like beauty tore me asunder -
She leaned down from a bough in grandeur.

٢. قَد مَزّقتهُ بِشدوها قَمريةٌ
مِن فَوق غُصن أَراكة مَيّاد

3. My heart's pieces danced in pleasure
To her voice - I wept as I heard her.

٣. فَتَراقَصَت أَفلاذُهُ حَبباً عَلى
كاس الدُموع لِصَوت هَذا الشادي

4. Is a youth's heart in its bloom affected
By a drunken, love-sick, weeping bard?

٤. أَهون بِقَلب في الصَبابة لَم يَذُب
وَبِمُقلة مَكحولة بِسُهاد

5. Wherever the lovelorn shed their blood,
Whether far or near, it's understood -

٥. أَينام مُشتاق تَسيل جِراحُهُ
نَائي المَزار حَليف وَجد بادي

6. The ships tell tales of arrows in droves
That from the bows the cutlasses drove.

٦. وَنَواحل تَحكي السِهام سِواهِمٌ
يَرمينَ أَغراضاً مِن الأَنجاد

7. Leaving a trail where the horsemen raced,
Their blood made the dust turn soggy and laced.

٧. يَرقمنَ أَدراج الفَلا بِمناسم
راحَت تَمُجُّ بِهِ دَم الفرصاد

8. Ghosts wander there, their heads all bowed down,
As if drunk, or just out of the town.

٨. يَحملنَ أَشباحاً تَميل رُؤسهم
سَكرى ناس كَالقَنا المنآد

9. Passion once joined their bodies in full,
And they were one flesh, one body, one soul.

٩. أَنضاء أَشواق لَما قَد شَفهم
وَصَلوا عُرى الآساد بِالآساد

10. They rode seeking love though it hurt them inside,
And so changed the valleys for mountainous rides.

١٠. يَحدونَ للهيم النَوافخ في البَرى
فَيعللون صَوادياً بِصَوادي

11. At the highlands of passion they stopped by a pond,
Gazing, as if looking for someone beyond.

١١. وَقَفوا عَلى دَمن هَوامد بِاللَوى
يَتَعلَلونَ بِنَظرة المُرتاد

12. They let their tears and their songs linger there,
Pausing by the pond, singing in the air.

١٢. جَعَلوا هُنالِكَ دَمعَهُم وَمَقالَهُم
وَقفاً عَلى النَشدان وَالإِنشاد

13. Hearing birdsong from the thicket around,
Their hearts left their bodies with nary a sound.

١٣. فَإِذا تَرَنَم طائر في أَيكَةٍ
طارَت قُلوبُهُم عَن الأَجساد

14. You riders, avoid where they ambush and wait!
Don't let your pure hearts meet such a fate.

١٤. يا أَيُّها الرَكب أَربعوا عَن مربع
فيهِ الرَدى لِلوَفد بِالمِرصاد

15. Beware of those meadows - though luring, they hide
Cutthroats who thirst for the blood of your pride.

١٥. أَياكُم وَمَسارح الآرام مِن
ذي الأَسَل فَهِيَ مصارع الآساد

16. How many pure souls fell for the trap,
Just for a sash the color of wine in his wrap!

١٦. كَم دونَ زُرق نِطاقُهُ مِن بيض أَس
ياف تَحرمهُ وَسُمر صعاد

17. For lovers, hearts flutter and fly like birds -
The meadows are stained with their blood when they're stirred.

١٧. أَو لَم تَروا لِلعاشِقينَ بِجوهِ
كَالطَير أَفئِدَةً تَلوب صَوادي

18. The flowers dyed red by the blood of the slain -
How to reach them through carnage and pain?

١٨. كَيفَ السَبيل إِلى الوُرود وَقَد حَكا
لَون الشَقائق مِن دَم الورّاد

19. A flirtatious breeze that passed by one day
Cut up my heart which knew only her sway.

١٩. وَصَباً أَتَت تَسري إِلى فَقرّفت
مني جِراح فُؤاديَ المُعتاد

20. I knew from her scent that the breeze in its course
Had gone by that place which was my heart's source.

٢٠. فَعلمت لَما إِن شممت عَبيرَها
إِن الصِبا مَرَّت بِذاكَ النادي

21. With the passion lit up in me from her air,
My ribs hold embers with no need to fan or flare.

٢١. وَبِمُهجَتي مِن راج يُوقد ذكرُهُ
في أَضلُعي جَمراً بِغَير زِناد

22. Restless yearning allows no reprise -
No closeness contents, no distance supplies.

٢٢. لا يَستَريح مُتَيم في حُبِهِ
مِنهُ بِقُرب لا وَلا بِبُعاد

23. Closeness evokes barriers, distance causes pain,
Both equally wrench at the lover's heart and drain.

٢٣. القُرب مِنهُ بِالصُدود منغص
وَالبُعدُ عَنهُ مُفتت الأَكباد

24. One glance she left me on the day we parted -
It was mine in spite of me, no reward but pain.

٢٤. أَمزوُ دي يَوم الرَحيل بِنَظرة
كانَت بِرَغمي مِنهُ آخر زادي

25. How long were the nights after she went away!
I tossed and turned sleepless til break of day.

٢٥. كَم لَيلة بَعد الفُراق طَويلة
أَفنيتُها بِتململ وَسُهادِ

26. Lightning slept as I lay awake in the dark -
The birds in the nest ignored my heart's spark.

٢٦. قَد نامَ فيها البَرق عَن أَرَقي كَما
نامَت حَمام الأَيك عَن إِسعادي

27. My eyes were raw, my tears kept on streaming,
An eternal flood with no sign of receding.

٢٧. رَقأت جُفون دجونها وَمَدامِعي
مُنهلة تَهمي بِغَير نَفادِ

28. The stars pitied the tears they'd seen me cry,
Mocked by enemies exulting in my agony.

٢٨. وَالنجم أَحير مِن شَجيّ قَد رَأى
هَول النَوى وَشماتة الحُسّادِ

29. I cut the night short with a teardrop's gleam -
May you be blessed with life as long as my dream!

٢٩. فَقَطعتها فَرداً بِطَرف دامع
دامِ وَأَنفاس عَلَيكَ مِداد

30. The clouds were disturbed as if my weeping eyes
Had stuffed them with embers, or thorns for the skies.

٣٠. قَلَقاً سَحابتها كَأَنَّ مَدامِعي
حشيت بجمر أَو بِشَوك قِتاد

31. Dawn emerged and I left it my gloom for a shroud -
A widow in black, bleak-faced from the clouds.

٣١. وَبَدا الصَباح فَخِلتُهُ مِن وَحشَتي
ثَكلاءَ تَرفل في ثِياب حِداد

32. It was as if they'd smeared its bright cheerful face
With my lot, or inked it all over the place.

٣٢. فَكَأَنَّما لَطَّخوا بِحَظي وَجهَهُ
وَجَبينهُ الوَضّاح أَو بِمداد

33. Thoughts wandered untamed like glorious knights -
No critics could make them toe bounds or toe lines.

٣٣. وَشَوارد مثل الزُلال سلاسةً
تَأبى بِأَن تَنقاد لِلنُقادِ

34. Eloquence wove them a garland bejeweled -
No laurels from others those fair brows bespeckled.

٣٤. صاغَ البَيان عُقودَها وَأَجادَها
فَغَدَت تَغير قَلائد الأَجياد

35. All who heard were compelled to sing praises aloud -
Let alone when recited clear, proper and proud.

٣٥. يَضطَر سامِعُها إِلى تَقريظِها
فَضلاً عَن الأَصغاءِ للإِيراد

36. It captured the woes of my passion's first blooms,
My reproaches that fortune so often entombs.

٣٦. ضَمنتها شَكوى الصَبابة وَالهَوى
وَعِتاب دَهر مولَع بِعِنادي

37. Time and passion both worked hard to squeeze
The cure from my heart; no doctor could please.

٣٧. جارَ الزَمان مَع الهَوى حَتّى لَقَد
يَئِسَ الطَبيب وَمَلَني عَوادي

38. Pitiless days unsheathed sharp swords that gashed
At the noble and free, the best of our past.

٣٨. وَاستلت الأَيّام سَيفاً مُرهَفاً
ماضٍ عَلى الأَحرار وَالأَمجاد

39. So arm yourself well with patience and calm -
In hardship, endurance protects best from harm.

٣٩. فَالبس لِذاكَ مِن التَصَبُر لامة
فَالصَبر درع الحَر يَوم جلاد

40. No greater trouble for man than the thirst
To gain all he dreams - an impossible search!

٤٠. ما في بَني حَواءَ أَتعَب مِن فَتى
يَبغي مِن الآداب نيل مُرادِ

41. Be content with your lot - that is treasure untold.
Sovereignty belongs to those free of its hold.

٤١. إِن الرضاءَ بِما لَدَيك هُوَ الغَني
وَالمُلك كُل المُلك للزُهّاد

42. If self-sufficing, you need no glory or fame -
Not base men's renown! Steer clear of their game!

٤٢. وَالشان إِن تَغني بِنَفسك عَن نَدى ال
أَمجاد فَضلاً عن جَدي الأَوغاد

43. Ill-fortune still hatches its sinister plots
Against those who walk upright, care nothing for plots.

٤٣. ما زالَت الأَيام تَضمُر كَيدَها
لِأَولي النُهى كَالجَمر تَحتَ رَمادِ

44. Fate struck at my dreams leaving hopes unfulfilled -
I refused to bow down, my spirit unstilled.

٤٤. ضَربَ الزَمان عَليَّ دونَ مَطالِبي
لَما أَبيت الذُلَّ بِالأَسداد

45. You wronged me, oh time, but I will not complain!
I am bound by the honor my forefathers maintained.

٤٥. حَسبي وَحَسبُكَ يا زَمان ظَلَمتَني
وَأَخَذتُني بِجَرائر الأَجداد

46. With sorrow you burned up my heart from within,
You chained down my fortune, imprisoned my kin.

٤٦. أَوقَدت في الأَحشاءِ نيران الأَسى
وَرَمَيتُ زِند الحَظ بِالأَصلاد

47. Exiled far from family, friends, all I held dear,
I returned my sword to its scabbard from fear.

٤٧. وَأَذَقتَني غصص التَغرب بَعدَما
أَفرَدَت عَن سَكني وَأَهل وِدادي

48. The finest are ruined; barely rescued, they run
To disaster, no triumph to cast their eyes on.

٤٨. كلَّت مَناكب حِيلَتي وَتَجَلُدي
مِما تَزاحَم قُسوة الأَضدادِ

49. As if called to doom, they raced like the wind,
Spurred ahead by the voice that drove them half-blind.

٤٩. أَسكَنَت غَر مَعاشِري دَور البَلا
فَرَددت أَسيافاً إِلى أَغمادِ

50. Gone are their homes, now havens for thieves,
For newcomers with no family leaves.

٥٠. مِن كُلِ أَروع لا يَكادا باؤهٌ
يَعطي يَد الأَيام فَضل قِياد

51. An outcast am I, no one here for befriending,
Captive with nowhere to turn, no rescuer pending.

٥١. طاروا إِلى داعي الرَدى فَكَأَنَّهُم
رَكِبوا الجِياد إَلى صَريخ مُنادي

52. Only the love that I feel for Muhammad's line -
Through them I hope to break free of confine.

٥٢. أَفوَت مَنازلَهُم وَكانَت مُدة
مَأوى العفاة وَمَوطن الوَفّاد

53. My poor poems in praise of that house are the thing
I can offer when comes the day of reckoning.

٥٣. فَأَنا الغَريب وَلَيسَ لي مِن مُؤنس
وَأَنا الأَسير وَلَيسَ لي مِن فادي

٥٤. ما لي سِوى حُبي لِآل مُحَمَدٍ
أَمَلٌ بِهِ أَرجو فَكاكَ صَفادي

٥٥. وَمَدائِحي لَهُم عَلى علّاتِها
عَمل أَقدمهُ لِيَوم مَعادي