1. The agate grew pale, and its dunes
Became desolate when its dwellers departed.
١. تَعفّى العَقيق وَكُثبانُهُ
وَأَوحَشَ إِذ بانَ سُكّانُهُ
2. What was familiar became unrecognizable to the eye,
Though the heart did not fail to know it.
٢. تَنَكَّرَ للعينِ مَعروفُهُ
وَلَم يَفُت القَلبَ عِرفانُهُ
3. The turns of fate revolved around it
When its neighbors traveled away.
٣. وَجارَت عَلَيهِ صُروف الزَما
نِ حينَ تَرَحَّلَ جِيرانُهُ
4. I glanced at the agate with a departing eye
With which it would bid farewell to its dwellings.
٤. رَمَيتُ العَقيق بِطَرفٍ تَجو
دُ بِهِ المَنازلِ أَجفانُهُ
5. So I did not cease weeping for the two beloveds
Until my burning tears were quenched.
٥. فَما زِلتُ أَبكي بِهِ الظاعِني
نَ حَتّى اِرتَوى مِنهُ حَرّانه
6. And I shed copious tears and restrained my grief,
But my tears did not overcome its fatigue.
٦. وَغازرت بِالدَمع وَكَف الغَما
مِ فَلَم يَغلب الدَمع هتانه
7. And of the things that hurt me after our separation,
When absence kills an ardent lover,
٧. وَمِما شَجا لي بَعدَ الفُرا
ق وَقَد تَقتل الصَب أَشجانِهِ
8. Is a pigeon that laments, so the eyes weep,
And it sings, so the branches sway,
٨. حَمامٌ يَنوح فَيَبكي العُيو
ن وَيَشدو فَيَهنو بِهِ بِأَنَّهُ
9. Because it conveys its passion in a foreign tongue,
So its melodies become Arabic.
٩. يَبين عَن الشَوق أَعجامُهُ
فَتُعرب بِاللَحن أَلحانُهُ
10. My soul nearly fades from yearning
When its chanting musician sings.
١٠. تَكادُ مِن الشَوقِ نَفسي تَفي
ض إِذا ما تَرنم مرنانه
11. At night, its eyelids flash lightning
Across my heart from its sleeplessness.
١١. بَليل تَسل عَلى مُهجَتي
صَفاحاً مِن البَرق أَجفانه
12. The desert sings it when the wolf howls,
Terrifying its darkness.
١٢. وَقَفر تغني بِهِ جَنهُ
وَتَرقص بِالآل قيعانُهُ
13. The wildcats go astray in it,
And none can guide them in their bewilderment.
١٣. إِذا ما عَوى الذئب مِن جيدِهِ
بِهِ ذعرت مِنهُ ظلمانه
14. When the winds blow into it,
Its devils crumble from the lightning.
١٤. تَضل القطاة بِهِ وَردَها
وَلا نَهتَدي قَصدَها جانه
15. Its stubborn rocks melt in it,
And it is hard for the winds to move them.
١٥. إِذا راحَ يَنفُخ فيهِ الهَجي
ر خَرَّ مِن الصَعق شَيطانِهِ
16. It raises its tall banners,
And its pinnacles touch the comets.
١٦. وَذابَت بِهِ صُمُّ أَحجارِهِ
فَعَزّ عَلى الريح إِيطانِهِ
17. It nears the sky until it converses
Privately with the soaring eagle.
١٧. تَرفع شاهق أَعلامِهِ
فَجاوَرَت الشُهب أَركانِهِ
18. My eyes saw a flock in it,
Whose riders swooned from exhaustion.
١٨. وَدانى السَماءَ إِلى أَن غَدا
يُناجي بِها النسر سرحانه
19. I wondered at the birds in flight over them
Like frightened ostriches.
١٩. تَرَآى لِعَينيَّ رَكبٌ بِهِ
تَهاوى مِن الجُهد رُكبانُهُ
20. So I asked them, where is the rest of the company and what was its business?
They said: A crew set out at daybreak bearing their burdens.
٢٠. تَعجب مِن طَيران المطي
بِهم كَالأجادل عقيانُهُ
21. Their riders penetrate the night,
And their horsemen are clad in armor.
٢١. فَرحت أَسائلهم أَينَ حَ
ل ذاكَ الفَريق وَما شأته
22. They call out at dawn to their lions
Who snarl and roar at their fawns.
٢٢. فَقَللوا نعم قَدراً بِالغدا
ة فَريقاً تَحمل أَظعانُهُ
23. With them is the protected honor of maidens;
All who doubt it are deprived.
٢٣. تَخوض حَشا اللَيل رُكبانُهُ
وَتَدرع النَقع فُرسانَهُ
24. Their breath fragrances those near them,
And their lances are perfumed with musk.
٢٤. تُنادي مَع الصُبح آسادُهُ
فَتَزأى وَتبغم غُزلانه
25. Full are the jingling of their stirrups,
And thirsty the rhymes of their composer.
٢٥. وَفي الظَعن كُل مَصون الحَماء
ل حط مَعنّاه حرمانه
26. Their swords tremble when passions are aroused
If thoughts of death grow tranquil.
٢٦. تَعطر أَنفاسُهُ ما لِخافِقين
وَتَنفج بالمسك أَردانُهُ
27. And I doubt the wiles of fate,
So destiny cannot deceive them.
٢٧. مليءَ المخلخل رنانه
هَضيم المُوشح ظَمآنه
28. And I suffer agony from remembering him
While my heart cannot forget him.
٢٨. يَهز وَشيك القَضا بِسَيفِهِ
إِذا ما تَنمو غيرانه
29. I lie awake at night, longing for him,
While my sorrows tear up my heart.
٢٩. وَيَرتاب مِن خَطرات النَسي
م فَلا يُمكن الريح غشيانهُ
30. And the night of worries appears at dawn
And its fires burn in my chest.
٣٠. وَبي مِن يُعَذِبُني ذِكرَهُ
وَلا يُمكن القَلب نِسيانُهُ
31. How long will I attempt to hide my love
While my tears cannot conceal it?
٣١. أَبيت عَلى الجَمر شَوقاً إِلَيهِ
تُمزق قَلبيَ أَحزانُهُ
32. If love overwhelms the heart of a youth,
Hiding it only reveals it.
٣٢. وَيبدو مَع الصُبح لَيلُ الهُموم
وَتَسحر في الصَدر نِيرانَهُ
33. And I have no stratagem for love,
For its authority wrongs my soul.
٣٣. إِلى كَم أُحاول كَتم الهَوى
وَلا يُمكن الدَمع كِتمانُهُ
34. And all my limbs, especially my heart,
Rise against me.
٣٤. إِذا غَلَبَ الشَووا قَلب الفَتى
فَكِتمانُهُ الحُب إِعلانه
35. And my supporters, like me, are ruled
By what love decreed for them.
٣٥. وَما حِيلَتي في الهَوى وَالهَوى
يَجور عَلى النَفس سُلطانُهُ
36. If only my heart would heed advice,
For its disobedience ruined me!
٣٦. وَكُل الجَوارح مني عَليَّ
وَلا سِيَما القَلبُ أَعوانَهُ
37. The earth seems narrow because of my worries,
While my chest is their field.
٣٧. وَأَعوانُ مثلي عَلى مثلِهِ
بِما حَكَمَ الحُب خوّانه
38. Travel removed the intoxication of youth from me,
So bid farewell to my prime.
٣٨. أَلا لَيتَ قَلبي يُطيع الرَشا
د فَقَد أَتلَفَ النَفس عِصيانه
39. And when the beloved traveled, his scent remained
Diffusing on the distance between us.
٣٩. تَضيق بِهِ الأَرض مِن همهِ
عَلى أَن صَدريَ ميدانَهُ
40. And time deceives me while pretending
To believe it, then kills that belief.
٤٠. أَزالَ التَغرب سكر الشَبا
ب عَني فَوُدع ريعانَهُ
41. An age whose heat never ends
Continues to kindle its embers against me.
٤١. وَلَما أَراقَ النَوى راحُهُ
عَلى البين صَوح ريحانه
42. It is filled with intoxication to its brim
But does not know to awake from drunkenness.
٤٢. وَدَهرٌ يُخادع مُستَلئِماً
لَهُ قَتل الشَك إِيقانَهُ
43. And I have an ambition that continues
To seek the glory of what is possible.
٤٣. زَمانٌ لا حَراره لَم يَزَل
عَدوّاً تَوَقَد أَضغانه
44. And a heart that leaves my body
When humiliation spares my body.
٤٤. تَملأ مِن سُكرهِ صَرفهُ
فَلا يَعرف يَصحو سكرانه
45. And a soul that spurns the humiliation of seeking help
Even if its betrayals have overwhelmed me.
٤٥. وَلي همة لا تَزال تتو
ق إِلى مَطلب عز إِمكانه
46. Finery does not increase its beauty,
However pleasing its exterior may appear.
٤٦. وَقَلبٌ يُفارق جُثمانَهُ
إِذا سَلَمهُ الذُل جُثمانَهُ
47. What is false will inevitably
Transform and erase its falsehood.
٤٧. وَنَفسٌ تَعاف دَني الورو
ر وَإِن أَفعمت مِنهُ غَدراته
48. So do not lament, as long as you are above the ground,
Losing anything whose loss grieves you,
٤٨. وَلا يَزدَهيها بِهِ زُخرُفٌ
وَإِن راقَت الطَرف عُنوانه
49. Except where is 'Aad, and where is its structure?
Where is Mudar, and where is Numan?
٤٩. وَما كانَ زوراً فلا بَدَّ أَن
يَحول وَيَمحوهُ بُطلانه
50. Indeed, where is Qarun, and where is all
That his treasuries contained? Where are his keepers?
٥٠. فَلا تَهوَ ما دُمتَ فَوقَ التُرا
ب شَيئاً بِسؤك فُقدانَهُ
51. And where is he who built the palace to reach
The sky with its pillars?
٥١. إِلا أَينَ عاد وَبُنيانهُ
وَأَينَ المُدير وَنعمانه
52. And where is Solomon's flying carpet
That would carry him and his entourage?
٥٢. أَلا أَينَ قارون وَما حَوَت
خَزائِنُهُ أَينَ خزّانه
53. And where are Thamud and the giants?
Rather, where are Choesroe and his palace?
٥٣. وَأَينَ الَّذي شَيَدَ الصَرح كَي
يَنالُ السَماءَ وَهاماته
54. And where are al-Walid, and where is Yazid?
And where are the modes of song and their melodies?
٥٤. وَأَينَ البِساط مُتون الرِيا
ح تَحمِلُهُ وَسليمانه
55. And where are al-Rashid and his Isaac?
And where are al-Amin and his regrets?
٥٥. وَأَينَ ثَمود وَأَينَ الجُنو
د بَل أَينَ كِسرى وَإِيوانه
56. They passed away, and we will pass away after them,
And existence and its times will pass away.
٥٦. وَأَينَ الوَليد وَأَينَ يَزي
د وَأَينَ الفَريض وَأَلحانُهُ
57. And we will be returned on the Day of Return,
When the Examiner tests our innermost secrets.
٥٧. وَأَينَ الرَشيد وَإِسحاقُهُ
وَاَينَ الأَمين وَندمانه
58. So man will not benefit from what he amassed,
But rather man will benefit from his good deeds.
٥٨. مَضوا وَسَنفنى عَلى أَثرهم
وَيُفنى الوُجود وَأَزمانه
٥٩. وَسَوفَ نعاد لِيَوم المعاد
وَيَبلو السَرائر ديّانه
٦٠. فَلا يَنفَعَ المَرءَ ما حازَهُ
بَلى يَنفَع المَرءَ إِحسانَهُ