1. The affliction has become severe and the hands of longing play with me
I am wasted from intense sorrows and distress
١. جَدَّ الضَنا وَيَد الأَشواق تَلعَب بي
وَذبت مِن شدة الأَحزان وَالكَرب
2. And I became absent from companions and pain
Yet I did not become absent from remembering my beloved
٢. وَغبت عَني مِن الأَوصاب وَالأَلَم
وَعَن تَذكر مِن أَهواهُ لَم أَغب
3. May my soul ransom you, yet that is little
O you who plotted my demise
٣. تَفديك نَفسي وَقلَّ ذاكا
يا مَن تَحرّى لي الهَلاكا
4. O you who abandoned me without sin or cause
Except for what the slanderer conveyed of lies
٤. يا مَن جَفاني بِلا ذَنب وَلا سَبب
إِلّا لَما نَقل الواشي مِن الكذب
5. You have scorned me, O my bliss
In ways that even if my enemy had done them, he would have pitied me
٥. بَلغت منيَ بِالأَعراض يا سَكَني
ما لَو جَناهُ عَدوّي كانَ يَرحَمُني
6. If shedding my blood pleases you my master
Then do it, for anything else you desire pains me
٦. إِن كانَ يُرضيك يا مَولايَ سَفك دَمي
فَاِفعَل فَغَير الَّذي تَهواهُ يُؤلِمُني
7. Passion and anguish have incinerated me
Copious tears have drowned me
٧. أَحرَقَني الوَجد وَالغَليل
أَغرَقَني المَدمَع الهَمول
8. So look upon a heart forged from flames
Held in a body forged from embers
٨. فَإِنظُر إِلى قَلب صب صيغَ مِن لَهَب
يَضمُهُ جَسَد قَد صيغَ مِن وَصَب
9. Have a little mercy on my heart that you torture
And how much upon embers, O my torment, you toss it
٩. أَرفق بِقَلبي قَليلاً تُعذبهُ
وَكَم عَلى الجَمر يا سؤلي تَقلبهُ
10. You commanded my eyelids to sleep but I did not sleep
The stars tired me with how I watched them
١٠. أَمَرت بِالسُهد أَجفاني فَلم أَنَم
وَملَني النجم مِما بِتُ أَرقبهُ
11. I stay up all night in the love of one sleeping
As if I were an observer of the stars
١١. أَسهر لَيلي في حُب راقد
حَتّى كَأَني للنجم راصد
12. You rest from my sleeplessness and my toil
So suspicion has become a kind of doubt to me
١٢. تَرتاح مِن سَهَري ظُلماً وَمِن تَعَبي
فَصارَ عِندي الكَرى ضَرباً مِن الريب
13. O perfect excellence that the darkness of the tent has revealed to me
O you who are above any deficiency or burden
١٣. يا بَد تَمٍّ جَلا لي ظُلمة السدف
يا مَن تَنَزَه عَن نَقص وَعَن كَلَف
14. In your judgments, O my adversary and my judge
Is it that your love leads me to ruin?
١٤. أَفي قَضاياك يا خَصمي وَيا حُكمي
بِإِن حُبك يَفضي بي إِلى التَلَف
15. With your charm
And your beauty's polish
١٥. بِما بِعَطفيكَ مِن دَلال
وَما بحديكَ مِن صِقال
16. May your mercy lift up my soul from malady
Is not reviving it one of the greatest acts of kindness?
١٦. رُحماكَ قَد أَشرَفَت نَفسي عَلى العَطب
أَلَيسَ إِحيائُها مِن أَقرَب القُرب
17. My heart was not created nor did it exist
Except to be struck by arrows from beautiful eyes
١٧. كانَّ قَلبيَ لَم يَخلق وَلَم يَكُن
إِلّا لِوَقع سِهام الأَعيُن الوَسَن
18. So excuse my advice, O my reproacher, and do not blame
For the arrow of blame does not pass through my ear
١٨. فَخَلِّ يا عاذِلي نَصحي وَلا تَلُم
فَلَيسَ يَسلُك سَهم اللَوم في أَذني
19. And avoid blame and contention
And leave my insides and the arrows
١٩. وَجانب اللَوم وَالخِصاما
وَخَلِّ أَحشايَ وَالسِهاما
20. While you, my slayer with coldness and anger
Live in peace from the head of love, O my father
٢٠. وَأَنتَ يا قاتِلي بِالصَد وَالغَضَب
عِش سالِماً مِن رَسيس الحُب يا بأَبي