1. He who was the beholder of my eyes has vanished from them
And I have compensated for him with long nights and sleeplessness
ูก. ููุฏ ุบุงุจู ุนูู ู
ููููุชู ู
ูู ูุงู ูุงุธูุฑููุง
ููุนููููุถุช ู
ูููู ุทููู ุงููููู ููุงูุฃูุฑูู
2. I let my tears flow until he who was blaming me for fear of drowning stopped
I wondered, when the heart departed from my body
ูข. ููุณุญุช ุงูุฏูู
ุนู ุญูุชูู ูููู ู
ูู ุนูุฐูู
ูู ูุงูู ููุนุฐููููู ู
ูู ุฎููุฉ ุงูุบูุฑูู
3. How can the body survive after the heartโs separation?
I say while passion burns inflamed in my entrails
ูฃ. ุนูุฌูุจุชู ููู
ุง ููุฃูุง ุจูุงููููุจ ุนูู ุจูุฏููู
ุจูุนุฏ ููุฑุงู ุงููููุจ ููููู ุจููู
4. And I have no hope that will extinguish my burning
May you, O best one whose aid I hope for to repel harm
ูค. ุฃูููู ููุงูุดููู ูู ุงูุฃูุญุดุงุกู ู
ูููููุณู ูู ุฃูู
ููู ุชุทูู ุจููู ุญูุฑูู
5. Grant me relief by which my remnant of life may live
ูฅ. ุนูุณุงูู ูุง ุฎููุฑ ู
ูู ููุฑุฌู ููุฏููุน ุฃูุฐู
ุชูุชูุญ ูู ููุฑุฌุงู ููุญูุง ุจููู ุฑูู