
You blamed the oppressed for what fate wrought

نسبتم إلى المقهور ما اقترف الدهر

1. You blamed the oppressed for what fate wrought
And accused the happy of what drunkenness brought

١. نَسَبتُم إِلى المَقهور ما اِقتَرَف الدَهر
وَأَلزمتُم النُشوان ما قَد جَنى السكر

2. You shot the arrow of reproach at a wounded heart
Whose chest tomorrow will fill with embers

٢. رَمَيتُم بِسَهم العتب قَلباً مَجرحاً
أَحاطَ بِهِ صَدر غَدا مُلؤُه جَمر

3. When fate was harsh, you too were unkind
Why not be gentle when fate was unrefined?

٣. أَلَّما جَفا الدَهر الخَؤُون جَفَوتُم
فَهلا رَفقتم عِندَ ما عَنف الدَهر

4. Yes, you can reproach me no matter my state
If I'm not at fault, I have an excuse

٤. نَعَم لَكُم العُتبى عَلى كُلِ حالة
لَئِن لَم يَكُن ذَنب لَنا فَلَنا عُذرُ

5. And though I endure your rebukes with composure
I cannot bear insults upon my honor

٥. وَفينا وَإِن هُنا عَلَيكُم تَجلدٌ
وَلَكن عَلى الأَعراض لَيسَ لَنا صَبرُ

6. I received reproach I could barely swallow
Though all sweetness has bitterness we must follow

٦. أَتاني عِتاب لَم أَسغهُ وَإِن حَلا
وَكُلُ لَذيذ لا مَساغَ لَهُ مُرُّ

7. If preserving your dignity was not my way
I would have said what I knew, as you can say

٧. وَلَو لَم يَكُن إِجلال قَدرك مَذهَبي
كَما قَد عَرَفتُم قُلت مَعروفَهُ فكر

8. So your bitter reproach brought tears I outlined
As lines on my cheek, summarized in one line

٨. فَأَخلَصَت سَبك العَتب دَمعاً رَقمتهُ
سُطوراً عَلى خَدي ملخصها سَطرُ

9. Containing the patience to forgive your rebuke
Though his guilt was not intentional, his heart not stone

٩. حتوّاً عَلى جان مَحا العَتب صَبرَهُ
فَما ذَنبَهُ عَمد وَما قَلبُهُ صَخر

10. But the noble eye can be excused should it weep
When bounded by chains, whip, and call to order

١٠. إِلا يَعذر الطَرف الكَريم إِذا كَبا
وَقَد نالَ مِنهُ القَيد وَالسَوط وَالزَجَر

11. By God, I did not neglect to send you missives
Nor deviate from the path of loyalty, as I live

١١. وَوَاللَهِ ما أَخَرتَ عَنكُم رَسائِلي
وَلا حَدَث عَن نَهج الوَفاءِ وَلي أَمر

12. I sent you fresh, beautiful pages for your keeping
Carried to your dear friendship as a wedding dowry

١٢. فَدونَكَها بِكراً بَديعاً جَمالَها
تَزف إِلى كَفو مَوَدَتُهُ المُهرُ

13. They were met by a free man fit to guard them
Who brought them out from the sanctum of his thoughts

١٣. تَصَدى لَها حرٌّ جَدير بِصَونِها
فَأَبرَزَها مِن خَدر غَيرَتِهِ الفكرُ