1. O you whose house is far from me
And the place of his tomb is neglected
١. يا مَن تناءَت دارُهُ
عَني وشَط مَزارهُ
2. A passionate lover visits you
Restless, never settling
٢. يَفديك صَبٌّ هائِمٌ
بِكَ لا يَقرُّ قَرارَهُ
3. Night and day pass by him
His sorrow always hidden
٣. أَبَداً يَمُرُّ عَلَيهِ كَر
باً لَيلُهُ وَنَهاره
4. His pride exposes his secret
That's how the drunkard in love is
٤. يَخفي الأَسى أَبَداً
وَيَفضح سرّهُ اِستعباره
5. His denial is his admission
Distracted by the night's conversations
٥. وَكَذاكَ سَكران الهَوى
إِنكارُهُ إِقراره
6. His worries multiplied
His supporters weakened
٦. قَد نامَ عَنهُ إِذ تَطا
ول لَيلل سَمّاره
7. His states changed
His places became difficult
٧. كَثرت جُيوش هُمومِهِ
وَتَخاذَلَت أَنصارُهُ
8. His thoughts confused
His curtains ripped
٨. فَتَلَوَنَت أَطوارُهُ
وَتَعَذَرَت أَوطارُهُ
9. If tears flowed from him
Their water reminded him
٩. وَتَبلتلت أَفكارُهُ
وَتَهَتَكَت أَستارُهُ
10. Almost drowning in tears
Yet his fire does not diminish
١٠. إِن غاضَ مِنهُ الدَمع فَجَّر
ماءهُ تِذكاره
11. The beloved's spring came
In all its rivers and trains
١١. فَتَكاد تَغرقهُ الدُمو
ع وَلَيسَ تَخبو نارهُ
12. His perfume still spreads fragrantly
How much we enjoyed it for a while
١٢. جادَ الحَيا ربع الأَحبة
وَبلهُ وَقطاره
13. Its troubles gone
And how many cups of love we drank
١٣. فَتدفقت أَنهارُهُ
وَتَرَنَمَت أَطيارهُ
14. When its dawns pleased us
Its meadows became our hangouts
١٤. لا زالَ فيهِ يَفوح مِسكاً
رَندهُ وَعراره
15. Its breeze our bartender
Its cups our lights
١٥. كَم قَد نَعمنا فيهِ دَهراً
قَد صَفَت أَكداره
16. And being in love our medicine
It sings to you without the temple's tunes
١٦. وَلَكُم سَقَتنا فيهِ أَقداح
الهَوى أَقمارُهُ
17. Or the mockery of the ignorant
A lethal charmer who gives life and kills
١٧. رَقَت أَصائِلُهُ كَما
راقت لَنا أَسحارُهُ
18. His intimacy and aloofness
A full moon but wondrous is his aloofness and secrecy
١٨. فَرِياضُهُ حاناتُهُ
وَنَسيمُهُ خمّاره
19. It conjures strange things for me
Capturing what it wants in my heart
١٩. وَكُؤوسَهُ نوّاره
وَالطل فيهِ عِقاره
20. Whenever I looked at it, it startled me with its magic
Oh what a loss, one whose luck is killed
٢٠. يَغنيكَ عَن أَلحان معبد
وَالغَريض هِزاره
21. Whose revenge cannot be sought
How many nights I stayed up
٢١. وَمُهَفهَف فَتَكت لَوا
حظهُ وَعَف أَراره
22. Until dawn tore its veils
I kept it alive and the fluttering of my heart
٢٢. ريمٌ غَدا يَحيي وَيَقتُل
انسهُ وَنَفاره
23. The tender wind did not paint kohl on my sleepy eyes
Until the morning smiled and its lights shone
٢٣. بَدرٌ وَلَكن التَعَجُب
وَالصُدود سِراره
24. The pigeon cooed, my heart fluttered, its embers scattered
And I was warned of love, but warning did not help
٢٤. يوحي إِلَيَّ غَرائِباً
مِن طَرفِهِ سِحاره
25. He who doubts the murder of passion, here is the evidence
٢٥. فَيَظل يُثبت في صَميم
القَلب ما يَختارُهُ
٢٦. ما أَن نَظَرت إِلَيهِ إِلّا
راعَني بِتّاره
٢٧. يا وَيح مَقتول اللَوا
حظ لَيسَ يُطلَب ثارَه
٢٨. كَم قَد سَهرت اللَيل حَتّ
ى مَزَقَت أَطماره
٢٩. أَحييتهُ وَسَمير قَلبي
خَفقه وَأَواره
٣٠. لَم يكحل الجفن القَر
يح مِن المَنام غِراره
٣١. حَتّى إِذا اِبتَسَم الصَبا
ح وَأَشرَقَت أَنوارُهُ
٣٢. صَدع الحَمام بِصدحِهِ
قَلبي فطارَ شَرارهُ
٣٣. وَلَقَد حَذرت الحُب لَكن
ما أَفادَ حذاره
٣٤. مَن شَكَ في قَتل الغَرا
م فَهَذِهِ آثارهُ