
A palace blessed by God's praise

قصر بحمد الله مقصور

1. A palace blessed by God's praise
Built by one accepted in righteous ways

١. قَصر بِحَمد اللَه مَقصورُ
بانيهِ لِلخَيرات مَبرورُ

2. It is a source of light for youth clubs
With doors of success unlocked

٢. هُوَ مَطلَع لِبُدور أَندية
أَبوابُها لِلنَجح أَكسيرُ

3. Noble roots made them ever busy
With remembrance, praise and glorification

٣. طابوا أُصولاً فَشُغلَهُم أَبَداً
ذكر وَتَمجيد وَتَكبيرُ

4. The honored Farooq their grandfather
His merits eternally secured

٤. السَيد الفاروق جَدهمُ
بِالفَضل ضمنَ الذكر مَذكورُ

5. My praise for them serves their ancestor
And from sins provides purification

٥. مَدحي لَهُم خَدم لِجدِهُم
وَبِها مِن الآثام تَطهيرُ

6. Honored by serving him as were graced
Youths and maidens in highest station

٦. شَرَفاً بِخدمَتِهِ كَما شَرفت
وَزَهَت بِها الولدان وَالحورُ

7. Many a verse was revealed concurring
With his views, truth manifested for sure

٧. كَم آية نَزَلَت مُوافَقة
آراءُهُ وَالحَق مَنصورُ

8. Beyond my power to describe him fully
So brevity in praise is called for

٨. قَد جَلَّ عَن وَصفي فَحينئذٍ
تَطويل مَدحي فيهِ تَقصيرُ

9. May God bless the one he gave support
As the worlds shine with his light and cure

٩. صَلى الإِلَه عَلى مُؤَيده
بِالنور وَالأَكوانُ دَيجورُ

10. Never forgetting the Chosen One
Who perfumes reign and spirit pure

١٠. المُصطَفى مِن ذِكرِهِ أَبَداً
لِلملك وَالمَلَكوت تَعطيرُ

11. Pleased with all the companions together
As their merit is known and secure

١١. وَرَضِيَ عَن الأَصحاب قاطِبَة
إِذ كُلَهُم بِالفَضل مَشهورُ

12. O you who visit out of love
For their grandfather, blessed and demure

١٢. يا ناظِريهِ إِنّ زائِرهُ
حَبا لِجدهمُ لماجورُ

13. So the date of its building brings wonder
A palace of charity well-secured

١٣. فَلِذا أَتى تاريخُهُ عَجَب
قَصر عَلى الإِحسان مَقصورُ