1. A wild animal controlled the king of beauty
So he took away my patience forcibly and chased it away
١. ظَبيٌ عَلى ملك الجَمال اِستَحوَذا
فَاِبتَزَّ صَبري بِالنَفار وَأَنفَذا
2. What is there in him, the heart says when
I looked at him whom He created like this
٢. ما فيهِ مِن قَضو يَقول القَلب إِذ
عايَنتُهُ بِاليت خَلقة ذا كَذا
3. And the summary of the long explanation is everyone
Who saw him went away glorifying and seeking refuge
٣. وَمُلخص الشَرح المُطَوَل كُل مَن
لاقاهُ راح مسبحاً وَمعوذا
4. The thought of him revives my affection and melts it
So it is the cure for my affection and it is the food
٤. ذكراهُ تنعش مُهجَتي وَتُذيبَها
فَهِيَ التلاف لِمُهجَتي وَهِيَ الغِذا
5. And my eyelid clouds with tears when
Along with it clearing the rubbish of the mind
٥. وَيَغيم طَرفي بِالدُموع إِذا بَدا
مَع أَنَّهُ يَجلو مِن المقل القَذا
6. And I die of thirst for him while he knew
The water of life through his moist fragrant mouth
٦. وَأَموت مِن عَطَشي إِلَيهِ وَقَد دَرى
ماء الحَياة بِثَغرِهِ العَطر الشَذا
7. The burning of passion is not extinguished unless
I kiss him, rather even if I am truthful, not even if
٧. لا تَنطَفي حَرق الجَوى إِلّا إِذا
قَبلتُهُ بَل إِن صدقت وَلا إِذا