
O residents of Aleppo the lofty

يا ساكني حلب العوا

1. O residents of Aleppo the lofty
Deafen its path towards the clouds

١. يا ساكني حلب العوا
صم جادها صوب الغمامه

2. I am a stranger in your city
But I'm not one to settle

٢. أنا في مدينتكم غري
ب لست من أهل الإقامه

3. And the Khan tells strangers
When Ibn Sama is bored

٣. والخان يحدث للغري
ب إذا أبن بن سآمه

4. So I took from the long residence
In it and missed the bottle

٤. فقرضت من طول المقا
م بها وأعوزت المدامه

5. And I went out one night
Heading to the door of safety

٥. وخرجت في بعض الليا
لي قاصداً باب السلامه

6. And I drank from a well in it
Whoever comes to it soaks his tent

٦. وشربت من بئر بها
من يأتها ينقع أوامه

7. And I grazed in its wilderness
And ascended climbing its dunes

٧. ورتعت في فلواته
وعلوت مرتقياً أكامه

8. So I caught sight of in some of the lowlands
And she sat the black protector

٨. فلمحت في بعض الوها
د وقد قعدت سواد هامه

9. So I tried, thinking she was
A cow or a nanny goat or a pigeon

٩. فسعيت أحسبها غرا
باً أو حداة أو حمامه

10. And lo a hyena as black as coal
Says little like a pillar

١٠. وإذا بأسود كالفني
ق يقل إيراً كالدعامه

11. And lo a Shaykh under it
Of good appearance and division

١١. وإذا بشيخ تحته
حسن الوسامة والقسامه

12. And the Shaykh squeezes underneath
He reached the sweat of his belt

١٢. والشيخ يعصر تحته
قد بل من عرق حزامه

13. So I scolded his shepherd and he
Said to him, do you not see his position?

١٣. فزجرت نايكه فقا
ل له ألست ترى مقامه

14. Get up for your sake, let's
Get our reins by your rise

١٤. انهض فديتك علنا
نقضي بنهضتنا ذمامه

15. And return after separation
From us and make our dispute good

١٥. ونعود بعد عزوبه
عنا وتربحنا خصامه

16. So he jumped on him and said no
That was not the case nor honor

١٦. فسطا عليه وقال نك
لا كان ذاك ولا كرامه

17. This rug in particular
Is mine in its rug a mark

١٧. هذا الرقيع بعينه
لي في رقاعته علامه

18. Had it not been extra for him
He would not have turned his attention to my back

١٨. لولا فضول فيه لم
يصرف إلى دبري اهتمامه

19. And he cried and said to me, go
And ask God for safety

١٩. وبكى وقال لي امض وي
ك واسأل الله السلامه

20. And thank him for what was
Your secret, he does not want a lock for it

٢٠. واشكره لما صار سر
مك لا يريد له صمامه

21. And know that I was one
Of the people of leadership and leadership

٢١. واعلم بأني كنت من
أهل الرياسة والزعامه

22. My day when you pass
It is said this is the son of Abu Asama

٢٢. يومى إلي إذا عبر
ت يقال ذا ابن أبي أسامه

23. Until I was tested with my passing
So I became a defamation among the people

٢٣. حتى ابتليت بمعبري
فحصلت بين الناس شامه

24. So I wondered at that clarity while he blah blah'd and the bats
A Shaykh who addresses me

٢٤. فعجبت من تلك الفصا
حة وهو يعفج والعرامه

25. With the words of his position
And the hyena drowns in his distraction

٢٥. شيخ له سمة تخا
طبني بألفاظ مقامه

26. Disappeared into his towering tent
So the Abyssinian laughed at

٢٦. والأير يغرق في استه
قد غاب في مفساه قامه

27. Him and said do not listen to his talk
This and your living is the habit

٢٧. فتضاحك الحبشي من
ه وقال لا تسمع كلامه

28. Of one who reached puberty before him
He always competes with those distracted

٢٨. هذا وعيشك دأبة
من قبل مبلغه احتلامه

29. Towards the clouds of sorrows
And took him from his back

٢٩. أبدا يباري باسته
بين الورى صوب الغماه

30. As if he were the ostrich's neck

٣٠. واستله من دبره
وكأنه عنق النعامه