
Will you have patience tomorrow, or will tears flow

أتصبر غدوا أم لعينيك سافح

1. Will you have patience tomorrow, or will tears flow
From your eyes like the dripping of water from mountain crags?

١. أَتصبر غدوا أَم لِعَينَيكَ سافِحُ
كَما شَلشَل الماءَ الشّنانُ النَّواضِحُ

2. Stinginess when you come near, and yearning when far away -
Trouble and separation from a lovely dawn past.

٢. أَبُخلاً إِذا تَدنو وَشَوقاً إِذا نَأَت
عَناءٌ وَبَرْحٌ مِن أمامة بارِحُ

3. Will tomorrow bring fulfillment if today holds excuse?
When hearts are twisted, resolutions do not come easy.

٣. وَهَل في غَد إِن كانَ في اليَومِ عِلَّة
نجازٌ لَما تلوى القُلوبُ الشَّحائِحُ

4. No doe in the thickets was without a shady, cool covert,
Or a place to rest in the midday heat.

٤. وَما ظَبيَة بِالأَنعَميْن خَلا لَها
مِنَ الطَّلحِ ظل بارِدٌ وَمَسارِحُ

5. Lovelier than them all when she appeared at dusk,
And the far ones were brought near when the veil was dropped.

٥. بِأَحسَنَ مِنها إِذ تَبَدَّت عَشِيَّةً
وَقَد رُدَّ لِلبَينِ القَلاصُ الطَّلائِحُ

6. May your life be granted by God, O youth,
By a sign she gave of when you would come,

٦. أَلكني إِلَيها عَمْركَ اللَّهُ يا فَتى
بِآيَة ما قالَتْ مَتى أَنتَ رائِحُ

7. And a sign she gave them at dusk
When shy faces peeped from behind the curtain.

٧. وَآيَة ما قالَت لَهُنَّ عَشِيَّةً
وَفي السترِ حراتُ الوُجوهِ مَلائِحُ

8. They chose marks for themselves and shot arrows
At a brother lion when lionesses had overpowered him.

٨. تَخَيَّرنَ أَرماكنّ فَارمينَ رَميَةً
أَخا أَسَدٍ إِذ طَرَّحتهُ الطَّوارِحُ

9. Then they put on their striped gowns as though they were
A raging she-camel with a weanling calf bleating.

٩. فَألبسنَ مَملاسَ الوشاحِ كَأَنَّها
مَهاةٌ لَها طِفلٌ برمّانَ راشِحُ