1. O my people, be steadfast and patient
With what fate has in store, though you know it not
١. أَلا يا لَقَومي لِلتَّجَلُّدِ وَالصَّبرِ
وَلِلقَدرِ الساري إِلَيكَ وَما تَدْري
2. With what you forget and recall something else
With what you cannot forget, save by remembering
٢. وَللشَّيء تَنساهُ وَتَذكُرُ غَيرَهُ
وَللشَّيء لا تَنساهُ إِلَّا عَلى ذِكْرِ
3. You know not the unseen, so do not claim to know
You have no part in the affair of Uthman
٣. وَما لَكُما بِالغَيبِ عِلمٌ فَتُخبِرا
وَما لَكُما في أَمرِ عُثمانَ مِنْ أَمْرِ
4. Curse the fates and destinies!
And the birds that flew between the sheaves and ink
٤. أَلا قاتَلَ اللَّهُ المَقاديرَ وَالمُنى
وَطَيراً جَرَتْ بَينَ السُّعافاتِ وَالحبْرِ
5. Curse those who disbelieved me after I had
Admonished them, but admonishing availed me naught
٥. وَقاتلَ تَكذيبي العَيافَة بَعدَما
زَجَرتُ فَما أَغنى اعتِيافي وَلا زَجْري
6. Take comfort, for grief has lingered overlong
And the scissors have fulfilled their purpose
٦. تَرَوّح فَقَد طالَ الثَّواءُ وَقُضِّيَتْ
مَشاريطُ كانَت نَحوَ غايَتِها تَجْري
7. No joy remains for returning warriors after Badr
Neither the living who visit them, nor the journey home
٧. وَما لِقفولٍ بَعدَ بَدرٍ بَشاشَةٌ
وَلا الحَيِّ آتيهِمْ وَلا أَوبَةِ السَّفْرِ
8. The winds that gust at nightfall remind me of Badr
Whenever a sandstorm rises on one of its evenings
٨. تذكرني بَدراً زَعازِعُ جَحْرَةٍ
إِذا عَصَفَتْ إِحدى عَشِيّاتِها الغُبْرِ
9. Whenever we have guests, we do not feed them
The dwelling makes a guest content with mere hospitality
٩. إِذا شَوْلُنا لَم نُؤتَ مِنها بِمَحْلَبٍ
قرى الضَّيفَ مِنها بِالمُهَنَّدِ ذي الأَثْرِ
10. And when our guests rouse us, we remember him
How then could I forget him in the fleeting world?
١٠. وَأَضيافُنا إِن نَبهونا ذَكَرتهُ
فَكَيفَ إِذَن أَنساهُ في غابِرِ الدَّهْرِ
11. A youth who in his prime shared out the fat
When none would give freely or share willingly
١١. فَتى كانَ يقري الشَّحمَ في لَيلَةِ الصَّبا
عَلى حين لا يعطي الدَّثورُ وَلا يَقْري
12. When misfortune befell, his face shone
In good times and bad, in ease and hardship
١٢. إِذا سلّم الساري تَهَلَّلَ وَجهُهُ
عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ مِنْ يَسارٍ وَمِنْ عُسْرِ
13. I remembered Badr when it was said to the knowing:
"He has changed" - Oh how my soul yearns for Badr!
١٣. تذكرت بدراً بَعدَما قيلَ عارِفٌ
لما نابَهُ يا لَهفَ نَفسي عَلى بَدْرِ
14. Whenever it crosses my mind, a teardrop
Flows down my throat and wets my chest
١٤. إِذا خَطَرَتْ مِنهُ عَلى النَّفسِ خَطرَةٌ
مرتْ دَمعُ عَيني فَاستَهَلَّ عَلى نَحْري
15. I was no weeping woman, but memories
Of his gentle nature and name stir me
١٥. وَما كُنتُ بَكّاءً وَلَكِنْ يَهيجُني
عَلى ذِكرِهِ طيبُ الخَلائِقِ وَالذِّكْرِ
16. My eyes, I thank you for what you have done
And you deserve my thanks for shedding tears for me
١٦. أَعَينَيَّ إِنّي شاكِرٌ ما فَعَلتُما
وَحُقَّ لِما أَبلَيتُماني بِالشُّكْرِ
17. I asked you to make me happy, and you were
Two fountains, quenching my thirst drop by drop
١٧. سَأَلتُكُما أَن تُسعِداني فَجُدْتُما
عَرانينَ بِالتّسجامِ باقِيَتي قطْرِ
18. When despair cured me of want for him
You made excuses - no, the best of excuses!
١٨. فَلَمّا شَفاني اليَأسُ عَنهُ بِسَلْوَةٍ
وَأَعذَرْتُما لا بَل أَجَلَّ مِنَ العُذْرِ
19. I forbade you from mocking me, and you
Were patient after despair had covered me in dust
١٩. نَهَيتُكُما أَن تَشمِتا بي فَكُنتُما
صَبورَينِ بَعدَ اليَأسِ طاوِيَتيْ غُبْرِ