
The dwellings have lost their virtue, unlike the ostrich eggs,

عفت المنازل غير مثل الأنقس

1. The dwellings have lost their virtue, unlike the ostrich eggs,
After time I recognized it with parchment paper,

١. عَفَتِ المَنازِلُ غَير مِثلِ الأَنقُسِ
بَعدَ الزَّمانِ عَرَفتُهُ بِالقَرطَسِ

2. So I lost the track of the ruins, as if
I was made drink from the wine of Adhru’a in cups,

٢. فَضَلَلتُ عَن عَفرِ الدِّيارِ كَأَنَّما
مِن خَمرِ أَذْرَعَةٍ سقيتُ بِأَكؤُسِ

3. The imagination knocked, so it stirred me from my bedding,
The greeting returned in the gloomy darkness,

٣. طَرَقَ الخَيالَ فَهاجَ لي مِنْ مَضْجَعي
رَجعَ التَّحِيَّةِ في الظَّلامِ المُهَلسِ

4. The chin strap of Umm Al-Waleed after
The braids of your head are like the sly darkness,

٤. أَعلاقَة أُمّ الوُلَيِّدِ بَعدَما
أَفنانُ رَأسِكِ كَالثَّغامِ المخلسِ

5. The day my heart was hit with the arrows of her glance,
Umm Al-Waleed among women is crafty,

٥. يَوم اِرتَمَتْ قَلبي بِأَسهُمِ لَحظِها
أُمَّ الوُلَيِّدِ في نِساءٍ غُلسِ

6. After she wore the dress of her beauty,
And as if the garment of her beauty was not worn,

٦. مِنْ بَعدِ ما لَبِسَتْ مَلِيّاً حُسنَها
وَكَأَنَّ ثَوبَ جَمالِها لَم يُلبَسِ

7. White, seasoned with saltiness like her,
Is the amusement of the companion and the squint of the watcher,

٧. بَيضاءُ مطعمة الملاحة مِثلُها
لَهوَ الجَليسِ وَغِرَّةُ المُتَفَرسِ

8. As for remembering her family in Hunak,
Maybe on the verge of despair, even if you do not despair,

٨. وأَما لِهَنكَ مِنْ تَذَكُّرِ أَهلِها
لَعَلى شَفا يَأسٍ وَإِن لَمْ تَيأَسِ

9. Unload the worries when the Dusur afflicts you,
The flames of Al-Hawajir, vast breathe,

٩. سلّ الهُمومَ إِذا اِعتَرَتْكَ بدوسَرٍ
لهب الهَواجِرِ واسِعِ المُتَنَفّسِ

10. So I raised my head to depart, and I do not see
Like today, the watering place of the slippery arrival.

١٠. فَرَفَعت رَأسي لِلرَّحيلِ وَلا أَرى
كَاليَوم مُصبح مَورِد مُتَغَلِّسِ