
She saw me and said, "You are an old man," though

رأتني فقالت أنت شيخ وإنما

1. She saw me and said, "You are an old man," though
Youthful cheeks appeal more to the maidens.

١. رأتني فقالت أنت شيخٌ وإنّما
يروق الغواني مجدب الخدِّ خالعُ

2. Good for you, if you had seen me on a day of strife
When the sharp swords were flashing.

٢. لكِ الخير لو أبصَرتني يومَ مأزقٍ
وقد لمعت فيه السيوف القواطِعُ

3. Say nothing of me to the tender one, my brother of dew,
And say to the people's bard my words that cut.

٣. وعندَ الندى ناهيكِ بي من أخي الندى
وعند حجاج القوم قولي قاطع

4. They see me as an old man, though I have lived through an age,
And the brides shy away from me.

٤. يعدونني شيخاً وقد عشت حَقبةً
وهُنَ عن الأزواج نحوي نوازع

5. My hair turned white not from passing years
But from shocking events that happened to me.

٥. وما شاب رأسي من سنين تتابعت
علَيّ ولكن شيبتني الوقائع

6. My spirit did not fall short of my wants,
Nor did base deeds tarnish me since I had desires.

٦. وما قصرت بي همّتي دون بغيتي
ولا دَنّستني منذ كنت المطامع

7. You don't know that many a raid whose beginnings
Were promising had outcomes that were miserable.

٧. فإنكِ لا تدرين أن رُبَّ غارة
كورد القطا ريعانها مُتَتَابعُ

8. I set my face toward it and roses that were
Like a bouquet blood had sprinkled over.

٨. نصبت لها وجهي وورداً كأنه
لها نصبٌ قد ضَرجته النقائِعُ