
The nobility of Mustafa is lofty, its pillar

شرف المصطفى رفيع عماده

1. The nobility of Mustafa is lofty, its pillar
Cannot be counted due to its abundant number

١. شرَفُ المُصْطَفى رفيعٌ عمادُه
لَيْسَ يُحْصَى بكثرة تَعْدَادُه

2. A lamp shone for the guided from it
By the hand of God is its kindling and its flint

٢. لاح للمهتدين منه سراجٌ
بِيَدِ الله قِدْحُهُ وزنَادُه

3. And for the astray a sword of vengeance appeared
Impossible for them is its extinguishing

٣. وبدا لِلْغاوِينَ سَيفَ انتقامٍ
مستحيلٌ عليهمُ إغمادُه

4. His mission is the mission of all good and inclination
To guidance and piety together his birth inclined

٤. بَعْثُهُ بَعْث كل خَير ومِيلا
دُ الهدى والتقَى مَعاً ميلادُه

5. So the sublime qualities are for his essence and the knowledge of the unseen is for his essence and from it is his ink
He has in his attributes and his virtues something

٥. فالمعالي لِذاتِهِ وعُلومُ الغَيْ
ب لذاتُه ومِنها مِدَادُه

6. That makes his enviers happy
The enemy cannot reach it nor can his enemy's hatred and equipment

٦. وَلَهُ فِي صفَاتِه وَمَزَايَاهُ كَما
لٌ تَشْجَى بِهِ حَسَّادُهْ

7. Everyone who saw it was dazzled by its perfection
And its merit was acknowledged even by its rivals

٧. لا ينالُ العدوُّ منها ولا يق
دَحُ فِيهَا عُتُوُّه وعَتَادُه

8. Firm, pure of soul, noble natured, generous his munificence
Beautiful to all, abundant in merit and fulfilling

٨. بَهَرَتْ كُلَّ من رآها كمالاً
وأقرتْ بِفَضْلِها أضُدَادُهُ

9. In justice, easy in purpose, fluent his leadership
From ancestry he has abundant pride a pride which his ancestors flourish

٩. ثَابتُ الجأش طَاهرُ النفْس سمح الطْ
طَبع فِي البذلِ الجزيل جواده

10. And above their pride he has from his efforts a path none of his peers claims
By it God made up for the people of the earth when its worshippers transgressed against it

١٠. جامِلُ الكل وَافرُ الفضْل وَا
فى العدلَ هَنيُّ المرامِ سَهْلٌ قياده

11. And set about among them for Satan a market thriving between them, remote his perishment
And an error that if it had appeared to the eyes, it would have covered the face of the morning with its darkness

١١. أَبُطَحِيٌّ لَهُ منَ النَّسبِ الوا
فر فخرٌ تنمَى بِهِ أجْدَادُه

12. So they came to them an evident light, and a clear religion whose truth is lucid, upright is its guidance
It came from his Lord with a precise scripture, complete is its guidance

١٢. وَلَهُ فَوْقَ فخرهمْ منْ مساعي
ه طريقٌ لا يدَّعيه تِلادُهْ

13. Fresh to the times is its study, unwearying its repetition
It confounded the learned, tossed them about, and defeated an ocean where its waves overwhelmed them

١٣. وبه قَدْ تَدَارَكَ اللهُ أهْلَ ال
أرْض لما طَغَى عَلَيْهَا عِبادُهْ

14. The universe was subjugated to the Messenger, so it expressed its silence and its inanimate objects greeted him
To him the palm trunk inclined when it ached for him after his tomb became remote from it

١٤. وغَدَا فيهمو لإِبْليس سُوقٌ
قائمٌ بَيْنَهمْ بعيدٌ كسادُهْ

15. And it answered his call without hesitation when its bending was intended
And the splitting of the moon of nightfall came with a report about it whose narration is reliable

١٥. وضلالٌ لوْ أَنَّهُ لاحَ للأعْ
ينُ غَطى وجهَ الصباح سوادُهْ

16. Numerous were the miracles of Ahmad until violating normality through them became habitual for him
They are like pearls in their beauty whether compiled or not, his unique ones suffice

١٦. فأتاهُمْ نُورٌ مُبينٌ ودِين
واضحٌ حَقُّهُ جَلِيٌُّ سدَادُه

17. Then even if they were not, his beautiful law and creed would be clear proof
And certainty in God truly so do not meet Him except by depending on the God

١٧. جَاءَ مِن عندِ ربهِ بِكتاب
مُحْكَمِ النَّظْمِ كامل إرشَادُهْ

18. And knowledge people of his time did not previously know and wisdom not required by his country
And his acts of worship which he did not neglect out of boredom and persisted in with diligence

١٨. هو غَض عَلَى الزَّمانِ لَذيذٌ
دَرْسُهُ لا يَمَله تَرْدَادُهْ

19. The stars of night were made happy by his night vigil when his bed complained of separation from him
A bodily tiredness which God changes into the rest of the afterlife, his desire

١٩. أعْجَزَ العَالمِينَ طُرّاً ومَنْ غا
لَبَ بَحْراً وَدَتْ بِهِ أطْوَادُه

20. O Messenger of the King, the prayer of one whose passion increased by it, was corrected and whose affection endured
I complain to you of a condition of religion and life whose severity is excessive and its balance intense

٢٠. سُخرَ الكَوْنُ لِلرَّسُولِ فَأَبْدَى
صَامِتٌ نُطْقَه وحَيَّا جَمادُه

21. It is the limit between happiness and me, its contrary upset living and its continuity
And peace be upon you, for you are in the final gathering, its treasure and its supplies

٢١. وَلَهُ الجذعُ حَنَّ لما شَجَاهُ
بَعْدَ قرب المزارِ مِنْهُ بعادُه