
Strive to gather virtues diligently

ادأب على جمع الفضائل جاهدا

1. Strive to gather virtues diligently
And devote to it the toil of mind and body

١. اِدأبْ على جمع الفضائل جاهدا
و أدمْ لها تَعَبَ القريحة و الجسدْ

2. And aim through it the face of God and the benefit of those
Whom you have reached and who have striven in it

٢. و اقصد بها وجه الإله و نفع من
بَلَّغْتَهُ وَ جَدَّ فيها و اجتهدْ

3. And leave the talk of envious ones and their hatred
Neglect it, for after death, envy is cut off

٣. و اترك كلام الحاسدينَ و بغيَهُمْ
هملا فبعد الموت ينقطعُ الحسدْ