
With kindness you mended the hearts broken and crushed, O best mender!

جبرت بإحسان لمذهب مالك

1. With kindness you mended the hearts broken and crushed, O best mender!
And mending them is not attained with worthless trinkets.

١. جَبَرْتَ بإحسانٍ لمذهب مَالِكِ
قلوباً كَوَاهَا الْكَسْرُ يا خَيْرَ مَالِكِ

2. But by dispelling the gloomy darkness of injustice that prevailed.
You remedied the people's negligence and lack of care.

٢. وما جَبْرُها نَيْلُ الحُطَامِ وإنّما
بتنوير لَيْلٍ من دُجَى الْحَيْفِ حَالِكِ

3. And how numerous are your penetrating insights!
Thus you leveled the ranks of the virtuous,

٣. تَدَارَكْتَ تفريطاً من النّاس غَفْلَةً
وَكَمْ لَكَ من رأيٍ عزيزِ المدارك

4. So they, from the carpet of justice, are atop the thrones.
You brought a mighty measure by which the souls rejoiced,

٤. فَسَوَّيْتَ ما بين الأفاضل رُتْبَةً
فَهُمْ من بِساط العدل فوقَ أرائك

5. Every devout worshipper from all mankind.
Were Nu'man to swear by it, he would swear a solemn oath,

٥. أتَيْتَ بمقياسٍ عزيزٍ تباشَرَتْ
بفرحته الأرواحُ من كلّ ناسك

6. And I am no revoker of that oath.
Milk flowed from Ahmad's breast, and by it was satiated

٦. يميناً لَوِ النُّعْمانُ قُرِّرَ عنده
لَقُرَّ بِهِ عَيْناً ولست بآفِكِ

7. A Hanafi in brotherly affection and a Maliki.
By what the Merciful has imparted in him, and what is seen

٧. جرى لَبَنٌ من ثَدْيِ أَحْمَدَ فارتوى
به حنفيٌّ في الإخاء ومالكي

8. In our lord Pasha of participation with him.
May the Master perpetuate for us the felicity of his grandfather

٨. بما أَوْدَعَ الرَّحْمَانُ فيه وما يُرَى
لِسَيِّدِنا الباشا به من مُشارِكِ

9. With a dignified and cheerful face, smiling Basim of the frontier!
And may his days be narrated, the authentic tale of them,

٩. أدامَ لنا المولى سَعَادَةَ جَدِّه
بوجهٍ وجيهٍ بَاسِمِ الثّغرِ ضَاحِكِ

10. Of glory, of support coming to his aid.

١٠. وأيّامُهُ يُرْوى صَحِيحُ حديثِهَا
عن العزّ عن نَصْرٍ له مُتدَارِكِ