
The time was generous though not generous

كرم الزمان ولم يكن بكريم

1. The time was generous though not generous
In description, so it was my companion in purity

١. كَرُمَ الزّمان ولم يكن بكريمِ
وصفا فكان على الصّفاء نديمِي

2. And it overflowed with complete blessings upon me
For which my mouth and my deepest core thank Allah

٢. وأفاض من نِعَمٍ عليّ سوابغاً
للّه يشكرها فمي وصميمي

3. It magnified eloquent poetry, and perhaps
Praise falls short of fairness with the greatest

٣. عَظُمَتْ على الشعر البليغ وربّما
عجز الثّناء عن الوفا بعظيم

4. The best of which, in my view, is looking upon the son of Harazm
And enjoying his face in bliss

٤. وأجلُّها نظري إلى ابن حرازم
وتمتّعي من وجهه بنعيم

5. And delighting in his nature with beauties
And luxuriating in his making with a breeze

٥. وتلذّذي من خلقه بمحاسنٍ
وتنعُّمي من خلقه بنسيم

6. And learning from his intellect wisdoms
And cognizance, subtleties, and understandings

٦. وتعرّفي من عَرْفِهِ بعوارف
ومعارف ولطائف وفهوم

7. And finding strength in my humility to his beauty
And gaining nobility from his honored slipper

٧. وتعزّزي بتذلّلي لجماله
وتشرّفي من نعله المخدوم

8. That one whom the treasuries of his secret carried
What if revealed, every reasonable one would doubt

٨. ذاك الذي حَمَلَتْ خزائنُ سرّه
ما لو بدا لارتاب كلُّ حليم

9. And he to whom knowledges were granted, so he ascended
Among them to the highest of his hidden secret

٩. وهو الذي مُنِحَ المعارفَ فارتقى
منها لأَِرْفَعِ سرّها المكتوم

10. And he whose radiant face was made
A mirror of felicity and cure for the sick

١٠. وهو الذي جُعِلت أسرَّةُ وجههِ
مرآةَ إسعادٍ وبُرْءَ سَقيم

11. And he who gained pleasure from his Lord
And by gaining it, who he willed was not blamed

١١. وهو الذي نال الرّضى من ربّه
وبنَيْلِهِ مَنْ شاء غير مَلومِ

12. And he whom the Messenger permitted to be joined
And supported him from his presence with knowledges

١٢. وهو الذي أذن الرّسولُ بوصله
وأمدّه من عنده بعلوم

13. And he in whom the secrets were deposited
And his station was specialized with comprehensiveness

١٣. وهو الذي التجاني أودع سرّه
فيه وخصّ مقامه بعموم

14. And he, and he, and he, and he
Whose meaning is not conjectured

١٤. وهو الذي وهو الذي وهو الذي
وهو الذي معناه غير مروم

15. His gifts became great, for which
The aspirations of all people strove, every wholesome one

١٥. عظمت لديه مواهب أضحت لها
هِمَمُ الورى تسعى بكلّ سليم

16. And his love expanded to their souls
So it is nourishment for travelers and residents

١٦. وَسَعَتْ محبّتُه إلى أرواحهم
فهي الغِذاءُ لراحلٍ ومقيم

17. My master, how much I have prayed for my master
Until I knew you and my conjectures were clarified

١٧. يا سيّدي ولكم دَعَوْتُ لسيّدي
حتى عرفتُك فاستَبَنْتُ رجومي

18. And I learned that I was imagining in passion
And traveling behind me while misery was my companion

١٨. وعلمتُ أني كنت أرقم في الهوا
وأسير خلفي والشّقاء نديمي

19. My refuge, your favor is sufficient as a refuge
And my expectation in the fires of my poisons

١٩. يا مَوْئِلي وكفى بفضلك مَوْئِلاً
وَمُؤَمَّلِي عند الْتِهابِ سَمومي

20. Are you the remover of my worries? For they have prevailed
And overwhelmed me, my suspicions and sorrows

٢٠. هل أنتَ كاشفُ كُرْبتي فلقد سَطَتْ
وطَغَتْ عليّ وساوسي وهمومي

21. Are you the one who has mercy on my misfortune, so you comfort me?
For the best of Allah's people are the most merciful

٢١. هل أنت راحمُ شقوتي فَتُرِيحَنِي
فَخَيَارُ أهلِ اللّهِ خَيْرُ رحيم

22. Are you the rescuer of one who has lost his way and found
No one to make happy, removing sorrows, a leader?

٢٢. هل مُنْقِذٌ مَنْ قد تحيَّرَ لم يجِدْ
من مُسْعِدٍ يٌجْلي الهمومَ زعيمِ

23. So have mercy on tears whose eyes have seen you
And you were generous with pearls, strung together

٢٣. فَارْحَمْ دموعاً قد رأتك عيونُها
فتكرّمت باللّؤْلُؤِ المنظوم

24. And breasts that have made you their core
That have been kindled and speak with wounds

٢٤. وجوانحاً جَعَلَتْك في سودائها
وقد اصطلت وتكلّمت بكلوم

25. And limbs that have rushed to you, led
By a tremendous lineage, not easily consumed

٢٥. وجوارحاً هرعت إليك يقودها
أَصْلٌ عظيمُ الشأن غير هضيم

26. And intimate thoughts whose colors have worn out because
They found naught but painful passion for you

٢٦. وسرائراً ألْوانُها بَلِيَتْ لما
وَجَدَتْ سوى شوقٍ إليك أليم

27. And an infatuated one who, were it not for remembrance, would not be
With the renewal of longing other than feeble

٢٧. وَمُتَيَّماً لولا التذكّر لم يكن
بِمُجَدَّدِ الأشواق غَيْرَ رميم

28. Do not cut off my hope which I have directed
To strive toward you, and you are the most generous

٢٨. لا تَقْطَعَنْ أملي وقد وَجَّهْتُه
يسعى إليك وأنت خَيْرُ كريم

29. And I have taken you as a means amongst people
And my begging through your guidance is not unperceptive

٢٩. وقدِ اتّخذتُك في الأنام وسيلةً
وتَوَسُّلِي بِهُدَاكَ غَيْرُ فصيم

30. And I have made my love with you a trust at your favor
And a covenant with your loftiness, not despised

٣٠. وجعلت حُبّي عند فضلك ذمَّةً
وتذمّما بِعُلاَك غيرَ ذميم

31. And I have hoped from my Lord through your favor what I
Have come to possess its meaning, not devoid

٣١. ورَجَوْتُ من ربّي بفضلك ما أنا
أصبحتُ من معناه غيرَ عديم

32. My support, my destination, my master
My aider, my expectation, my intimate

٣٢. يا مُسْنَدي يا مقصدي يا سيّدي
يا منجدي ومؤمّلي وحميمي

33. You whom my Lord chose for His secret
And interwove from a favor upon you, all-encompassing

٣٣. أنت الذي ربّي اصطفاك لِسِرِّه
وحباك من فضلٍ عليكَ عميمِ

34. So for you is glory, for you are the sultan of all
And for me is glory, that you say "my servant"

٣٤. فلك الهناءُ فأنت سلطان الورى
وَلِيَ الهناءُ بأن تقولَ خديمي

35. And His Messenger made you inherit what
The people of Allah's secret have confessed about you

٣٥. ورسولُه أوْلاَكَ مَا اعْتَرَفَتْ بِه
لك أَهْلُ سِرِّ الله بالتّقديم

36. So the greeting of your Lord whenever the morning breeze stirs
Covers you in the fragrance of His sealed musk

٣٦. فسَلاَمُ رَبِّكَ كلّما هبّت صَبَا
يغشاك طيبُ مِزاجه المختوم