1. The pessimists said, "We did not meet
What Ibn Sahl met from Yazid
١. يقول ذوو التشؤُّمِ ما لقينا
كما لقي ابن سهلٍ من يزيدِ
2. Al-Mamun's death came upon him when
Yazid came to him from a faraway land
٢. أتَتهُ منيّةُ المأمون لما
أتاهُ يزيدُ من بلدٍ بعيد
3. So he dismissed his army
And dispersed the legions of soldiers
٣. فصيّرَ منه عسكرَهُ خلاءً
وفرَّقَ عنه أفواجَ الجنودِ
4. I said to them, "How unlucky are the people
Whose large numbers were destroyed
٤. فقلتُ لهم وكم مشؤومِ قومٍ
أباد لهم عديداً من عديدِ
5. I saw Ibn Al-Mu'aththal, oh 'Amr
With misfortune that was swifter to Sa'eed
٥. رأيتُ ابن المعذّلِ يالَ عمرو
بشؤمٍ كان أسرعَ في سعيد
6. From it was the death of the nobles of Banu Salim
And from it the ruin of the couriers
٦. فمنه موتُ جلّةِ آل سلمٍ
ومنه قض آجامِ البريد
7. And it did not alight upon a house and then depart
Without hearing the slapping of cheeks
٧. ولم ينزل بدارٍ ثمّ يمسي
ولما يستمع لطم الخدود
8. And every praise of a people he said about them
For by its heels, oh my eyes, is decay
٨. وكلُّ مديحِ قوم قال فيهم
فإنّ بعقبهِ يا عين جودي
9. When a man hears praise from another
He detects from it the smell of carrion
٩. إذا رجلٌ تسمّعَ منه مدحاً
تنسّمَ منه رائحةَ الصعيد
10. If he enumerated those he slanders
They would emit from him the smell of something rotten
١٠. فلو حصفَ الذين يبيح فيهم
أثاروا منه رائحةَ الطريدِ
11. For might does not prevent misfortune from him
Nor does blame at the gates of iron
١١. فليسَ العزُّ يمنعُ منه شؤماً
ولا عتباً بأبوابِ الحديدِ