
I was told you're a dog who flees my throwing,

نبئت كلبا هاب رميي له

1. I was told you're a dog who flees my throwing,
Barking at me from a faraway place,

١. نُبئتُ كلباً هاب رميي له
ينبحني من موضع نائي

2. If I had ever slighted you in some way
Or done wrong in sight of watcher and witness,

٢. لو كنت من شيءٍ هجوناك أو
لو بنت للسامع والرائي

3. Then stop insulting me, for I'm a man
Whose patience was taught by lack of peers.

٣. فعَدِّ عن شتمي فإنّي امرؤٌ
حلّمني قلّةُ أكفائي