
If only the family of Salma ibnal-Malik would allow me

فلو طاوعتني آل سلمى إبن مالك

1. If only the family of Salma ibnal-Malik would allow me
I would give a generous dowry from the delights of Masraa

١. فَلو طاوَعَتني آلُ سَلمى إِبنِ مالِكٍ
لَأَعطَيتُ مَهراً مِن مَسَرَّةَ غالِيا

2. And a group like the gazelles of the family of Ja'far
Strolling with kohl around their languid eyes

٢. وَسِربٍ كَسِربِ العَينِ مِن آلِ جَعفَرٍ
يُغادينَ بِالكُحلِ العُيونِ السَواجِيا

3. When the Nile descends or they are below it
At the acacia trees, they then cast the poles

٣. إِذا ما هَبَطنَ النيلَ أَو كُنَّ دونَهُ
بِسَروِ الحِمى أَلقَينَ ثَمَّ المَراسِيا

4. My mother has forbidden me because of her death
The virtues of my people as well as my lack of money

٤. لَقَد حَرَّمت أُمّي عَلَيَّ عَدِمتُها
كَرائِمَ قَومي ثُمَّ قِلَّةُ مالِيا