1. Alas, O my people, for passion and remembrance,
And an eye whose tears humans shed like rainfall,
١. أَلا يا لِقَومي لِلهَوى وَالتَذَكُّرِ
وَعَينٍ قَذى إِنسانُها أُمُّ جَحدَرِ
2. My eye has not seen the likes of my heart that did not soar,
Nor ribs above which were not broken.
٢. فَلَم تَرَ عَينِيَ مِثلَ قَلبِيَ لَم يَطِر
وَلا كَضُلوعٍ فَوقَهُ لَم تُكَسَّرِ
3. The growth of eglantine obeyed it and gifted it
With its homelands, the downpour of bursting clouds,
٣. أَطاعَ لَها نَبتُ الخُزامى وَجادَها
بِأَوطانِها غُرُّ السَحابِ المُنَحِّرِ
4. And I am from Qais and Qais are the offspring,
When their knights mount their steeds caparisoned.
٤. وَإِنّي مِن قَيسٍ وَقَيسٌ هُمُ الذُرى
إِذا رَكِبَت فُرسانُها في السَنَوَّرِ
5. The armies of the Commander of the Faithful, with which
The head of the armored warlord is kept upright,
٥. جُيوشُ أَميرِ المُؤمِنينِ الَّتي بِها
يُقَوَّمُ رَأس المَرزُبانِ المُسَوَّرِ
6. Indeed, thinking well of myself made me,
When asked where is the head, not hesitate.
٦. لَقَد زادَني ظَنّاً بِنَفسِيَ أَنَّني
إِذا قيلَ أَينَ الرَأسُ لَم أَتَأَخَّرِ