
Our dawn brought forth fountains of speech and its sea,

فجرنا ينابيع الكلام وبحره

1. Our dawn brought forth fountains of speech and its sea,
So he who would tell tales began to swim in it.

١. فَجرَنا يَنابيعَ الكَلامِ وَبَحرَهُ
فَأَصبَحَ فيهِ ذو الرِوايَةِ يَسبَحُ

2. Poetry is naught but verse of Qays and Khindif,
While all else besides is affectation and embellishment.

٢. وَما الشِعرُ إِلّا شِعرُ قَيسٍ وَخِندَفٍ
وَقَولُ سِواهُم كُلفَةٌ وَتَمَلُّحُ