1. I told myself that I had no patience
Yet here I am, still longing for her
١. وَحَدَّثتُ نَفسي أَنَّني غَيرُ صابِرٍ
فَها أَنا ذا لَم أَقضِ مِن إِثرِها نَحبي
2. My friend, I did not believe you though you spoke true
To think she still cared for me was foolish of my heart
٢. خَليلَيَّ لَم أَصدُق وَكانَ سَفاهَةً
رُجوعي بِحُسنِ الظَنِّ مِنها عَلى قَلبي
3. I swear, if I were the first to die
And the last to rise from the dust
٣. فَأُقسِمُ أَن لَو كُنتُ أَوَّلَ مَيِّت
وَآخرَ مَنشورٍ يَهُبُّ مِنَ التُّربِ
4. My death would not quench her thirst
For what she demanded of love’s bond
٤. لما كانَ مِن مَوتي عَلَيها صَبابَةً
قَضاء لِما اِستَرعَيتُ مِن ذِمَّةِ الحُبِّ