1. If you are far from us, you are blamed for the distance,
Yet you are the one far away, you cannot get any closer.
١. إِن تَكُ خالَنا فَقُبِّحتَ خالاً
فَأَنتَ الخالُ تَنقُصُ لاتَزيدُ
2. One day you walk free in all your finery,
Another day slaves deride and mock you.
٢. فَيَوماً في مُزَينَةَ أَنتَ حُرٌّ
وَيَوماً أَنتَ محتِداكَ العَبيدُ
3. Is it right that people should suffer such disgrace -
That the outcast slave should seize and eat their wealth?
٣. أَحَقُ الناسِ أَن يَلقى هَواناً
وَيُؤكَلَ مالُهُ العَبدُ الطَريدُ