
From the ruins with echoing cannon

أمن طلل بمدفع ذي طلال

1. From the ruins with echoing cannon
The nights have erased its features

١. أَمِن طَلَلٍ بِمَدفَعِ ذي طِلالٍ
أَمَحَّ جَديدَهُ قِدَمُ اللَيالي

2. You wept, no sorrowful man wept
For two abandoned quarters and misfortune

٢. بَكَيتَ وَما بُكا رَجُلٍ حَزينٍ
عَلى رَبعَينِ مَسلوبٍ وَبالي

3. And a love that confuses the eyes
The silent night enveloping the mountains

٣. وَمَوماةٍ يَحارُ الطَّرفُ فيها
صَموتِ اللَيلِ طامِسَةِ الجِبالِ

4. We entertained them with nightfall until
Their bodies seemed like lost sticks

٤. مَنَنّاهُنَّ بِالإِدلاجِ حَتّى
كَأَنَّ مُتونَهُنَّ عِصِيُّ ضالِ

5. By your life, the swords of the Ali's sons
Are not with the zebras nor tiredness

٥. لَعَمرُكَ ما سُيوفُ بَني عَليٍّ
بِنابِيَةِ الظُباةِ وَلا كِلالِ

6. They are the finest people who inherited their father
The inheritance of Muhammad without falsehood

٦. هُمُ القَومُ الأُلى وَرِثوا أَباهُم
تُراثَ مُحَمَّدٍ غَيرَ إِنتِحالِ

7. And they left the speech for us high
And they left no speech against them

٧. وَهُم تَرَكوا المَقالَ لَنا رَفيعاً
وَما تَرَكوا عَلَيهِم مِن مَقالِ

8. You have emulated your people as you have emulated
As the example is emulated by the example

٨. حَذَوتُم قَومَكُم ما قَد حَذَوتُم
كَما يُحذى المِثالُ عَلى المِثالِ

9. So return your swords in your wounds
For you have reached the peak of agony

٩. فَرُدّوا في جِراحِكُم أَساكُم
فَقَد أَبلَغتُمُ مُرَّ النَكالِ