
The paths of al-Mamdur are empty, you will not find there

خلت شعب الممدور لست بواجد

1. The paths of al-Mamdur are empty, you will not find there
Anything but ruins and broken walls.

١. خَلَت شُعَبُ المَمدورِ لَستَ بِواجِدٍ
بِهِ غَيرَ بالٍ مِن عِضاهٍ وَحَرمَلِ

2. You wished to meet there the mother of wild donkeys,
And what did you wish for from an echo under the tamarisk trees?

٢. تَمَنَّيتَ أَن تَلقى بِهِ أُمَّ جَحدَرٍ
وَماذا تَمَنّى مِن صَدىً تَحتَ جَندَلِ

3. For death is better than a miserable life,
And miserliness is better than prolonged toil.

٣. فَلَلمَوتُ خَيرٌ مِن حَياةٍ ذَميمَةٍ
وَلَلبُخلُ خَيرٌ مِن عَناءٍ مُطَوَّلِ